Timer set bug

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Timer set bug

Postby catsionson » Tue 22. Apr 2014 21:16:43

Hello all,

I am newbie in Promotic project. During last days I experiment trying to learn the Promotic IDE.

I faced a problem regarding the timer operation.
In detail:
I add a timer object in my application.
The timer is being created and by default, the timer tab is highlighted.
The period(s) is initially 1.0 sec.
I try to decrease it.
On first press of down arrow the value of 1.0 changes to 9.5.
On second press of down arrow the value goes to 94.5.
On third press it goes to 944.5.
On fourth press it goes to 9444.5
A similar erratic behaviour is observed when I try to set the timer period in the application>> application tab>> panels timer period.
So I am unable to set the time below 1.0 sec...

I am working on Windows XP environment.

Please advise
Thank you
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue 22. Apr 2014 9:09:01

Re: Timer set bug

Postby Tomáš Bräuer » Mon 28. Apr 2014 7:15:52

Hi, unfortunately it's a problem in PROMOTIC. There is a problem with Windows decimal separator and thousand group separator.
Usually comma ',' or dot '.' is used as decimal separator. On top of that some national settings use another separator (thousand group separator) and others don't use it at all (our case in Czech republic).
During conversions from strings to numbers we are actively trying to understand other decimal separator setting than which is set at the moment. Because some data are exchanged or come from other program languages (persistency or another PC client/server and so on).

And because of that there is one for us forbidden (not working) combination: decimal separator: comma ',' and digit group separator: dot '.' .

Decimal separator comma is working fine (we in czech are using it as well) but digit group separator may not be used. American notation where dot as decimal and comma as groups separator is used is working. So from all possible combinations the only not working combination is comma as decimal and dot as groups separator. Unfortunately I am aware that for example german settings use this not working combination.
We are aware of this problem and we will fix it (not sure about timeline at the moment).

To continue playing with promotic ou will have to change in your window control panel in regional settings the settings of number separators to any other working combination (for example by not using thousand grouping separator at all).
Tomáš Bräuer
Posts: 165
Joined: Thu 13. Dec 2012 9:13:13

Re: Timer set bug

Postby catsionson » Tue 29. Apr 2014 21:20:27

Thanks for help.

Following your advise, it seems everything OK now!
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue 22. Apr 2014 9:09:01

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