Export the data into the csv file (trend viewer)

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Export the data into the csv file (trend viewer)

Postby namqn » Sun 08. Mar 2015 3:05:52

Dear all,

From my reading, the trend viewer in PROMOTIC SCADA allows exporting data to a csv file, but I am having hard time finding where I can enable this feature.

Can anyone point out how to do this, please!

Best regards,

Nam Nguyen-Quang
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed 18. Feb 2015 7:55:31

Re: Export the data into the csv file (trend viewer)

Postby admin » Mon 27. Apr 2015 7:45:43


In order to save trend data as .csv file use the SaveToFile method as described here:

http://www.promotic.eu/en/pmdoc/Objects ... ToFile.htm
Posts: 70
Joined: Wed 12. Dec 2012 15:43:09

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