Problem sending data to Logo8!

This is the main technical forum for discussing problems that were encountered by users while developing PROMOTIC applications, and their possible solutions.

Problem sending data to Logo8!

Postby stefano_tahiti » Sat 21. Jan 2017 2:47:18

Coul'd you help me with this problem, I'm new to promotic:
I can recive all data from the logo but when I try to change NetI1 with a script (onButtonDown) the value change (True) but it returns very quikly to (False). The value is not send to the PLC so I can't use it...
I tried several things but nothing. When I use android app Hmi logo I can see the valu of NetI1 changing in promotic
Best regards
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat 21. Jan 2017 0:29:21

Re: Problem sending data to Logo8!

Postby Kazimierz Heczko » Wed 25. Jan 2017 10:02:53

Hello, can you send your application to e-mail:, than I can check if eveything is OK.

Best regards
Kazimierz Heczko
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu 13. Dec 2012 9:28:56

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