Web Sever
Fri 30. Dec 2016 10:03:58
by thientiti
i use "web" object for my PROMOTIC project. I access by "Chrome" Browser and "trend panel" have a failure. It appear text "Active failt to load!". Please help me soon!
Re: Web Sever
Wed 04. Jan 2017 9:27:02
by admin
It looks like you are trying to use ActiveX item in a web page viewed by the Chrome browser. Chrome browser is unable to display native ActiveX items. Please make sure to switch your web panel(s) in PROMOTIC SCADA software to JavaScript (do not use Vbscript panels). Follow this procedure:
- open your PROMOTIC SCADA software project in the development environment
- select the PmPanel object in the object tree
- go to "panel" configuration tab
- find "Scripting language settings" configuration intem
- select "javascript" from the dropdown menu
- press "save button"
- compile the graphic panel
- run your application