Starting Modbus communication with pressing a button.

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Starting Modbus communication with pressing a button.

Postby Krzysztof Gut » Thu 07. Jun 2018 16:16:15

I would like to know, if there is possibility of starting communication by a Modbus protocol not instantly after starting aplication but after pressing a button with functtion (e.g. 2 buttons start polling and stop polling). I need this functionality for a sensor, i would like to stop reciving data from it fort the time i will move it to another place and then start getting data on a plots again.
I was lookig for this utility in modbus configuration, but i didnt find it. If there is a way, I would be grateful of explanation how to set it up.
Krzysztof Gut.
Krzysztof Gut
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue 29. May 2018 21:34:04

Re: Starting Modbus communication with pressing a button.

Postby Kazimierz Heczko » Fri 08. Jun 2018 11:36:50

this can be done by use two-state button PmiButtonTwo with data binding to PmCommData object to property UpdateEnabled.
Details in documentation: ... nabled.htm
Kazimierz Heczko
Posts: 69
Joined: Thu 13. Dec 2012 9:28:56

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