Value recalculation

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Value recalculation

Postby make » Mon 25. Mar 2013 21:14:28

Is there something wrong in version 8.2.6 value recalculation. When trying to scale Modbus value by 1/10 error then "Error ! k Please enter number" appears.
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby Petr Návrat » Tue 26. Mar 2013 8:38:29

I tried it and no error appeared.
Did you really write 1.0 to constant k ??
If you for example write L character instead of 1 then this error message appears - but in this case it is logical warning.
Petr Návrat
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby make » Tue 26. Mar 2013 23:14:35

Petr, I retested and result was unfortunately same. It seems that if I choose recalculation then even with the default values error popup comes.
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby Tomáš Bräuer » Wed 27. Mar 2013 16:45:02

Hi make,
maybe it has something to do with setting of decimal separator in Control Panel|Regional settings|Format|More settings.

What are yours regional settings in Windows (english, german, french, ...) and what are decimal separators and groups separators (dot, comma, ...)?

Please, try another couple of tests:
1) Enter only 3 integer numbers (without decimal point, i.e. 1 10 0) instead of float decimal numbers 1.0 10.0 0.0
2) Test changing regional settings to English, if it helps.
Tomáš Bräuer
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby make » Wed 27. Mar 2013 19:39:46

Tomáš, Yes you were right, it was due the regional settings. In Finland we use comma as decimal separator but when I changed it to dot then it works. Thank you.
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby Tomáš Bräuer » Wed 27. Mar 2013 22:08:13

OK, so the cause of the problem is pretty clear now. Btw in Czech republic we use comma decimal delimiter as well.

We are doing our best to cope with comma/dot decimal separator thorough PROMOTIC system. It is common for our users to use comma decimal separator. In development enviroment both comma and dot decimal delimiters should be accepted everywhere. All our runtime methods accept both delimiters on input. But vbscript native methods do not. That's why it is better to use our methods for float -> string formatting and conversions than vbscript's ones.

We'll check comma/dot delimiter in this particular scenario once more. If we succeed to reproduce your problem, we will fix it.
Tomáš Bräuer
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Re: Value recalculation

Postby Tomáš Bräuer » Thu 28. Mar 2013 7:48:11

Hi make, unfortunatelly I wasn't able to reproduce the behaviour you had described. I even set finish regional settings on my Windows 7 / XP test machines. Without any luck. Then I manually changed separator to comma and back to dot. In all cases I was able to enter numbers with both separators no matter which one was set in Windows.
So that the problem seems specific to your PC. Maybe simple act of switching to english settings and then back to finish settings (i.e. reset to default finish settings) would help you as well.
You haven't mention what is you windows version (8/7/XP were tested).
At the moment I would consider matter to be closed, unless you provide us more info.
Tomáš Bräuer
Posts: 165
Joined: Thu 13. Dec 2012 9:13:13

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