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Supervision system for heatpumps operation - TC MACH

1. System main functions

The heatpump supervision system is a complex and open software solution, that permanently monitors and evaluates the operation of hetpumps. The core of the system is represented by a database server that zapewnia:
- continual communication with all heatpumps connected to the system
- evaluation of operational states of the heatpumps
- archiving all important system data
- providing data to wizualizacja client stacje
- administrative configuration and parametrization

The operational states and possible error reports of the heatpumps in Czech Republic and abroad are being continuously monitored. All heatpumps are equiped with Internet connection (ADSL, GPRS, itd.). All user and operator accesses are managed poprzez Web. The software aplikacja includes sofisticated system of user uprawnienia, that ensures secure access of different users:
- system operator
- coordinator
- heatpump użytkownicy
- service technicians
- system administrator

2. Data management and archive

All application data is stored w bazie danych MS SQL. The system continuously keeps and archives the heatpump operational data. There are also the system parametry, operation journals, alarm teksty itd. w bazie danych. The central control station stores the history of error states and service interventions. Based on these reports, the expert database jest wytworzony, that is then used by the heatpump manufacturer for furthher analysis.

The system is modulary and very general - z możliwością to add dynamicznie additional heatpumps and configure them. These operacje are done by the system administrator poprzez Web interface for SQL data management. In the system, it is possible to define:
- heatpump types and parametry
- countries and languages where the heatpums are operated
- system users (endusers)
- alarm wiadomości and error codes
- zdarzenia and reports
- czas letni / czas zimowy transitions for specific countries
- uprawnienie levels and access codes
- additional data and parametry

3. Customer interface

The end użytkownik can access the system at kiedykolwiek and use the Web interface for monitoring the connected devices (patrz obrazek 1).
- heatpump
- solar heating system
- boiler
- pool
- additional obiekty

The daily plan panel allows to set the desired temperatures for specified zones and define the time programs (patrz obrazek 2). The temperatures and another parametry are archived przez system, allowing the customer to view the current status and also the history of specific system values (np. the temperatura of heating water, outer temperatura, pool woda, itd. – patrz obrazek 3) The system umożliwia check the heatpump status from any place in the world and do the necessary setup if needed.

4. Komunikacja with heatpumps

The central control centre monitprs the heatpumps and periodycznie checks the operational status periodicaly. Komunikacja is optimized for speed and data volumes. The system provides:
- Odczyt and evaluating the actual data from the heatpumps
- Odczyt the local data archives stored in the heatpump control system (on demand by operator or service technician)
- Receive and process the daily data for statistics
- Receive and process the alarm data (potwierdzenie, writing do bazy danych, itd.)
- Wysłanie SMS wiadomości or e-mails to the service center if an błąd occures
- Czas synchonization for heatpump control systems – według valid time zones for current countries.

5. Service and maintenance

The monitoring system continuously checks the heatpump states w czasie rzeczywistym. W przypadku of malfunction, the system automatycznie finds the optimal service technician in the database and informs him by SMS or e-mail about the problems of current heatpump. The technician can then connect to the system and check the heatpump status poprzez Web interface from any PC connected to Internet. The multilingual system umożliwia the service technician to wybrać język to be used for communication and data presentation from the specific heatpump (patrz obrazek 4 – heatpump parametry).
This way the service technician can analyse the system quickly and find the cause of malfunction. The information regarding the problem solution is then entered as notes for the corresponding alarm state, that indicated the malfunction for further reference. Jeżeli the on-site intervention is needed, wtedy the closest technician is contacted and the correction is done uder the main technician remote supervision. The central control center can also check czy the service intervention has been completed within the agreed time. Jeżeli there is a service delay, wtedy the system generates an e-mail message and sends it to the responsible person, that is then able to make the necesaary corrective actions.
The system stores the operational staus data in the database, including the errors, alarms and malfunctions. this comprehensive database umożliwia the technicians to analyse the heatpump opeartion and provide preventive actions.

6. Resume

The central control centre application software, the data serwer and all Web interfaces for monitoring and maintenance have been created by the use systemu PROMOTIC. The system has been developed under the cooperation with the TC MACH company (patrz: http://www.tepelna-cerpadla-mach.cz), that is one of the leading manufactirers of heatpumps in the Czech Republic and abroad. The heatpums are equiped by the AMiT control systems by default. The system is running od 2007 roku and is continuously being improved and expanded by the TC MACH experts.
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