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Compound Pmg objects

Elementary Pmg objects can be grouped into compound Pmg objects. Compound objects are offered even in the Pmg objects palette, for example, Box with title. It goes about the elementary PmgBox object into which the elementary PmgString object is placed.
The compound object can be composed of two or more elementary or compound objects. The compound object is created by inserting an object into another one, which can be done as follows:
If you have created more Pmg objects on the desktop, from which you want to create one compound Pmg object, then you'll proceed as follows:
One of the objects always serves as the base, all others are nested into it. The Pmg object, into which it is inserted, must be greater than the inserted one. Select all Pmg objects that will be nested into the base item, and move them over the base item (place it on the position where it has to be located). Leave the selected inserted Pmg objects and click the object, into which it is inserted, by the right mouse button. You must click the place which no part of the inserted items interferes with (if the inserted objects fully cover the object, into which nesting has to be made, then displace the inserted objects outside the area of the object, into which they were inserted). The menu, from which you should select the option "Move / Move into the active object ...", is opened by clicking. By this the "Creating compound Pmg object" configuration window is opened where you can enter all required parameters.

If some properties of the compound Pmg object (internal or base item) are bound by data binding to PROMOTIC variables, then it is advisable to create a compound Pmg object where these properties are not bound directly to PROMOTIC variables (i.e. the "PP - Pma object property" data binding is not used) but they are bound by the "GP - Pmg object property" data binding to the new created Variables of the base Pmg object, (see examples included in the "GP - Pmg object property" data binding description). The compound Pmg object binding to PROMOTIC variables is made by binding the Pmg object variables to PROMOTIC variables by data bindings (e.g. by the "PP - Pma object property" data binding) on the "Variables" tab.

The advantage of compound objects is, for example, the possibility to change the position and size of more objects together. You can save the compound object into the preconfigurations, see How to save Pmg object into the preconfigurations of objects.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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