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Price list of the PROMOTIC system

The price list is valid from 1.2.2024. Prices are quoted without VAT.

Each order must include:
- requested licence carrier type
- information regarding the version of the PROMOTIC SCADA system that will be used with the purchased licence (if the PROMOTIC version is not defined correctly, then the licence may malfunction).

1. Licences for PROMOTIC development environment

1. Licences for PROMOTIC development environment:
Allowing application development and testing. All PROMOTIC components (standard interfaceces, communication drivers, 10x PmWebClient, etc.) are fully functional in the development environment. Current version of the PROMOTIC system is always available for download at https://www.promotic.eu/en/. Upgrade to new version is always free of charge. Price of selected licence key (see section 6) is always added to the price of the licence. EUR USD
PmDevFree Free development environment for applications up to 100 variables (without the licence key, since version Pm8.0.0) Free of charge Free of charge
PmDevProf Development environment for applications with no size limit. 370 405
PmDevSchool Development environment for schools (network multilicence). 40 45
PmDevForRt Development environment for runtime licence (since version 7.3.1) 210 225

2. Licences for PROMOTIC runtime environment

2. Licences for PROMOTIC runtime environment:
- Allows (time-unlimited) operation of the application on one computer. Runtime licence also includes the functionality of trends, alarms and events – no additional licences are needed for this functionality.
- The number of variables of the application includes permanent variables in objects PmaData, PmaDataTable and variables in other objects defined on the "Data" tabs. Variables of Pmg objects and variables defined in scripts are not added to the total number of variables of the application.
- Price of selected licence key (see section 8) is always added to the price of the licence.
PmRtFree Free runtime licence for applications up to 30 variables and 10 graphic panels (no licence key is needed). Includes 2x PmWebClient from section 4 and all extending licences from pricelist sections 3. Free of charge Free of charge
PmRt100 Application size up to 100 variables. With this runtime licence, all additional components from sections 3 a 4 are sold with 70% discount. 210 225
PmRt500 Application size up to 500 variables.
(since version Pm8.3.17)
495 545
PmRt1000 Application size up to 1 000 variables.
(since version Pm8.3.17)
825 905
PmRt5000 Application size up to 5 000 variables.
(since version Pm8.3.17)
1445 1585
PmRt50000 Application size up to 50 000 variables.
(since version Pm8.3.17)
2070 2260
PmRtProf Unlimited size of the application (limited by performance of hardware and of the Windows OS). 3100 3395

3. Licences for communications and interfaces:
PmDriverPack Bundle of all communication drivers and standard interfaces from this section 3 of the pricelist. 2480 2715
PmOPC Access to OPC servers. It allows to use:
- the PmOpcUaClient communication driver for communication OPC UA (since version Pm9.0.9).
- the PmaOpcDaClient object for communication OPC DA.
540 590
PmChar User defined char/binary protocol for communications by simple protocols with dataloggers, heat meters, multimeters, regulators, etc.
Allows usage of drivers:
- PmChar, for Ethernet-client and for serial link.
- PmCharServer, for Ethernet-server (from version 9.0.3).
540 590
PmModbus Driver for the Modbus protocol.
Allows usage of drivers:
- PmModbusMr (TCP/RTU/ASCII) - Master communication for Ethernet-client and for serial link
- PmModbusSl (RTU/ASCII) - Slave communication for serial link.
540 590
PmS7 Driver for the S7 protocol, protocol for PLC devices Simatic, for Ethernet-client 540 590
PmIEC8705 Driver for the IEC 870-5 protocol (104 and 101), for Ethernet-client and for serial link 540 590
PmIEC62056 Driver for the IEC 62056 protocol, for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
PmDNP3 Driver for the DNP3 protocol, for Ethernet-client (from version 9.0.25) 540 590
PmABradley Communication with PLC devices Allen-Bradley.
Allows usage of drivers:
- PmABradleyDF1 (Full- and Half-duplex), for Ethernet-client and for serial link
- PmABradleyCIP EtherNet/IP with the CIP layer (ControlLogic, CompactLogic, ...), for Ethernet-client
540 590
PmMelsec Communication with PLC devices Mitsubishi by the MELSEC protocol.
Allows usage of drivers:
- PmMelsecQA (for PLC devices of Q, A, L iQ-R, iQ-F series), for Ethernet-client and for serial link
- PmMelsecFXS (for PLC devices of FX series), for Ethernet-client and for serial link
540 590
PmSBUS Driver for S-BUS/S-BUS+, protocol for PLC devices SAIA and DIGIControl, for Ethernet-client and for serial link 540 590
PmAdam Driver for ADAM modules of the 4000/5000 series by the Advantech company, for serial link 415 450
PmOmron Communication with PLC devices Omron.
Allows usage of drivers:
- PmOmronFINS (FINS protocol in OMRON networks), for Ethernet-client
- PmOmronC (C-mode, Host Link, for PLC devices of the CS/CJ series), for serial link
540 590
PmKoyo Driver for KOYO device by the DirectNET protocol, for serial link 540 590
PmFatek Driver for FATEK PLC devices by the FACON protocol, for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
PmSNMP Driver for the SNMP protocol, for Ethernet-client and for serial link 540 590
PmMBus Driver for the M-BUS protocol, for Ethernet-client and for serial link (meters Ultraheat, Multical, Infocal, SVM, Danfoss, Actaris ...) 540 590
PmBACnet Driver for the BACnet protocol, for Ethernet-client 540 590
PmKNX Driver for the KNX protocol, for Ethernet-client (from version 9.0.14) 415 450
PmSMS Driver for sending/receiving SMS messages (by GSM modem M20, TC35, GS01 and many others), for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
Pm3964 Driver for 3964R, 3964, RK-512 protocol for Simatic and other PLC devices, for serial link 540 590
PmTeco Driver for TECOMAT, TECOREG, PLC devices by the TECO company (Czechia), for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
PmInmat66 Driver for INMAT66/INMAT51, heat meters by the ZPA company (Czechia), for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
PmElgas2 Driver for devices by the ELGAS company (Czechia), for Ethernet-client and for serial link 415 450
PmDB Access to external databases (dBase, Excel, Microsoft Access, PARADOX, FoxPro, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
This licence is needed when the PmaAdo and PmaDatabase objects are used. It is not needed for alarms, events and trends
330 360
PmDllActiveX Access to external ActiveX items and DLL libraries.
This licence is needed when the ActiveX and/or PmaDll objects are used.
330 360
The open architecture of the PROMOTIC system allows communication with a wide spectrum of additional devices. (ABB, Beckhoff, Bernecker&Reiner, Festo, Honeywell, Hypel, Johnson Controls, Landis&Gyr, Modicon, Moeller, Orbit Merret, Sauter, Simatic, Unitronics, VIPA, and many others).
Detailed information regarding additional communication options with these (and other) hardware devices can be obtained in the PROMOTIC documentation, or contact the technical support directly:
+420 556 205 705

4. Client licences on PROMOTIC server:
Price per 1 client licence
Web server (PmaWeb object) is integrated in runtime. To connect clients to this server it is necessary to purchase PmDataClient and/or PmWebClient licences into the licence server. It is possible to communicate with the integrated Web server using HTTP and HTTPS protocols. EUR USD
PmWebClient The client is typically represented by Web browser. The licence allows transferring the same values as PmDataClient and also allows viewing of Web panels, alarms/events, trends and reports. 1st and 2nd client in the carrier, each: 210 225
3rd, 4th and 5th client in the carrier, each: 125 135
6th-50th client in the carrier, each: 85 90
51th-150th client in the carrier, each: 40 45
each additional client in the carrier: Quotation Quotation
PmDataClient The client is typically PROMOTIC (or another) application. The licence allows transferring values of: application variables, alarms, events and trends. The client licences are also used by communication drivers in the server mode. 1st-5th client in the carrier, each: 85 90
6th-50th client in the carrier, each: 40 45
51th-150th client in the carrier, each: 20 25
each additional client in the carrier: Quotation Quotation

5. Special licences

5. Special licences:
PmUserNumber Protection of the application by a unique user number in the licence. (optional). This licence protection can be for any runtime or development licence. 20 25

6. PROMOTIC licence carriers

6. PROMOTIC licence carriers:
- Local licences of the PROMOTIC system are contained in licence key. The keys are available as hardware (USB dongle), or software (SWK file).
- Network licences are provided via the licence server PmLicServer. This server requires a HW Key containing no licences in order to run. The network licence provided by means of the licence server is contained in the software key PmSWkeyNET. A single licence server may contain one or more network licences. The PmLicServer is recommended for RDP access.
- The defined prices are relevant for new licences or replacements of existing keys.
PmUSBstd Hardware key (USB dongle) of the standard size for local application or licence server (PmLicServer) 40 45
PmUSBmini Hardware key (USB dongle) of the minimal size for local application or licence server (PmLicServer) (since version Pm8.2.16) 60 70
PmUSBboard Hardware key (internal) connected to USB port on motherboard for local application or licence server (PmLicServer) (since version Pm8.3.8) 70 80
PmSWkeyNET Software key containing licences bound with the licence server (PmLicServer) (since version Pm8.1.1) 20 25
PmSWkeyWIN Software key bound with the Windows OS of target computer (version Pm9.0.9 and higher). The change of binding to the Windows operating system can be done only once in every 2 years. In order to change such binding, new carrier (SWK file) must be generated and purchased. 185 205
PmSWkeyEXT Software key used for extension of existing licence (PmExtend - see section 7) 0 0

7. PROMOTIC upgrades

7. PROMOTIC upgrades:
PmUpgrade Free upgrades to higher versions of the PROMOTIC system. For development environment licences with no time limit. For the runtime environment licences valid for 10 years since creation date (for time limit extension see PmUpgrade10). Free of charge
PmExtend Extending the licence by new components or for larger application size (higher number of variables). The price difference between the old and the new licence is charged (see the order example Business conditions of PROMOTIC licence sales). In order to extend licences older than 10 years, purchase of PmUpgrade10 is necessary. Licence extension can be realized by sending extension licence file by email, or by writing directly into the HW Key. The price difference between the old and the new licence
PmUpgrade10 Extending the PmUpgrade and PmExtend of the licence period of the runtime key by 10 years (the standard 10 years extendability period is extended by additional 10 years). It can be applied also to keys that are older than 10 years. The price is calcuated as a percentage of the total price of all licences contained in the licence carrier. 60% of licences price contained in given key

8. Trainings PROMOTIC

8. Trainings PROMOTIC:
Price per person
The PROMOTIC SCADA system training is available to all users free of charge in the form of tutorial videos on YouTube channel of the PROMOTIC SCADA system. The list of tutorial videos can be found here. EUR USD
PmTraining The MICROSYS company also offers individual PROMOTIC trainings. Such trainings can be carried out by MICROSYS trainer:
- at the MICROSYS headquarters (Ostrava, CZ) (Map of company headquarters)
- at the customer's premises
- online, using TeamViewer software

For detailed information about the trainings and for a non-binding quotation, please contact:
- Ing. Kazimír HECZKO
Phone: +420 556 205 706

9. Technical support

9. Technical support:
Price / hour
Short technical support consultations by phone or by email Free of charge
PmSuppPM Technical–programming support for the PROMOTIC system in the MICROSYS company domicile or remote via Internet using the TeamViewer software (remote viewing and desktop control). 40 45
PmSuppApp Technical–programming support for client applications. or remote via Internet using the TeamViewer software (remote viewing and desktop control). 60 70
PmSuppExt External technical support at the customer location. Quotation

Shipping and handling fee is included for each shipment .
The handling fee is not charged if only electronic communication with the customer is used.
150 CZK for Czech Republic
15 EUR / 20 USD for EU
outside EU (no customs clearance/with customs clearance) based on individual quotation

Orders can be sent by email (sw-sales@microsys.cz), or via https://www.promotic.eu/en/promotic/price/orders.htm

Pm8.00.00: There is a new item in the pricelist PmUpgrade10, that implies the limitation of free system upgrades to maximum 10 years after purchase. The PROMOTIC system applications can be runned with no time limitation on the original PROMOTIC version. If the application that is older than 10 years is to be upgraded to a new PROMOTIC version, then it is necessary to purchase this new item.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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