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Script wizard

This window can be used to create portions of the script and then insert these into the area of script editor.
This configuration window can be opened:
- in the script editor (i.e. on the pages Events, Methods ...). The context menu opens by the right mouse button clicking where the "Script wizard" item can be selected in order to open this window (/Basic control of script editor/Script wizard).
- or the <Ctrl+W> shortcut can be used.

Wizard for item:
Pm object - property/method: Selection of the property or method of the Pm object
Pma object - property/method: Selection of the property or method of the Pma object
Pma object - reference: Creating reference to Pma object by calling the pMe.Pm method
Pma object - path: Create path to the Pma object
Pmg object - property/method: Selection of the property or method of the Pmg object
Pmg object - reference: Create reference to the Pmg object by calling the pMe.Items method
Pmg object - path: Create path to the Pmg object
Macro expression: Creates and evaluates macro expression
Setting into the variable: Statement for assigning the variable
Condition - If: Statement for If branching
Condition - Select/Switch: Statement for executing one command from the group
Loop - For: Statement for For cycle
Loop - Do: Statement for Do cycle
Color (RGB): Creates text string containing RGB value of the color

Setting and viewing of selected item:
Preview: Resulting script overview
Description: Short description of selected wizard
Parameters: Parameters corresponding to selected wizard

Description of button functionality in the right part of the window:
Insert to cursor position: The content of defined script is inserted into the editor to the cursor position.
Copy to clipboard: The content of defined script is inserted into the Windows clipboard for later use.

Pm8.03.02: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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