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Communication by means of the PROMOTIC system drivers

It is the method that allows a data collection via the computer's serial port and via Ethernet directly to/from the PROMOTIC system by means of the PmaComm object. The MICROSYS company supplies a series of communication drivers for various standard and non-standard protocols that can be build up directly into the application by means of the PmaComm object.
The designer must configure individual messages on this approach. But the transmission is so quick (it doesn't go about the communication between two applications) and the whole communication is "fully in designer's hands" thanks to the configurability. Available drivers are also stated in the price list of the PROMOTIC system.
Drivers move data via Ethernet, over the optional serial ports COM1, COM2, ... or via the computer's serial port set in the script by the PmaComm.OpenPort method. The serial interface can be of the RS232, RS485 or RS422 type.One serial driver is using one communication interface (COM serial port), with the possibility of connecting multiple stations (dependent on protocol type). If it is necessary to connect multiple stations via different serial interfaces, then it is necessary to use more PmaComm objects.

If the designer needs a communication driver (for some special protocol), that is not listed in the PROMOTIC driver list, then there are several solution options:
- For some simple communication protocols the PmChar communication driver can be used. The received data (or data for sending) can be procesed after receiving (or before sending).
- Use the OPC server by other suppliers (see Communication by OPC interface).
- Create own (or let someone else create) an ActiveX object, that will manage the communication. This object can then be integrated into the PROMOTIC system by the PmaActiveX object. Exactly this way the communication with Communication with PLC devices by the AMiT company (Czechia) or Communication with PLC devices by the Johnson Controls company is being solved.
- Contact the MICROSYS company and negotiate the development of additional PROMOTIC communication driver.

Warning for serial link RS485:
This interface needs to switch the RTS signal and drivers for the Windows OS doesn't manage this easily. In the Windows OS 2000 and higher it is possible to set the switching mode (the "PmaComm > Setting the parameters of the serial link > RTS flow control" configurator - set to the state: "toggle") that allows it but there were problems in practice. That's why we recommend to use the converters to the RS485 that allow automatic switching of the RTS signal. Such tested converters are for example:
- internal card for ISA bus: "PCL745b" by the Advantech company.
- internal card for PCI bus: "Industio CP-132" by the Moxa Technologies company.
List of communication drivers:
PmOpcUaClientDriver for communication with OPC UA server
PmCharDriver for communication by user defined ASCII/BIN protocol for Ethernet-client and for serial link
PmCharServerDriver for communication by user defined ASCII/BIN protocol for Ethernet-server
PmModbusMrDriver for communication by the Modbus Master protocol
PmModbusSlDriver for communication by the Modbus Slave protocol
PmMBusDriver for communication by the M-BUS protocol
PmKNXDriver for communication by the KNX protocol
PmIEC8705Driver for communication by the IEC 60870-5 protocol
PmIEC62056Driver for communication by the IEC 62056 protocol
PmDNP3Driver for communication by the DNP3 protocol
PmBACnetDriver for communication by the BACnet protocol
PmSNMPDriver for communication by the SNMP protocol
PmSMSDriver for communication with GSM modules by SMS messages
PmS7Driver for communication by the S7-TCP/IP protocol
Pm3964Driver for communication with SIMATIC PLC devices by 3964, 3964R or RK-512 protocol
PmABradleyDF1Driver for communication with Allen Bradley PLC devices by the DF1 protocol
PmABradleyCIPDriver for communication with Allen Bradley PLC devices by the EtherNetIP/CIP protocol
PmMelsecQADriver for communication with Mitsubishi PLC devices of the Q/A/L/iQ-R/iQ-F series
PmMelsecFXSDriver for communication with Mitsubishi PLC devices of the FX series
PmSBUSDriver for communication with PLC devices SAIA and DIGIControl by the S-BUS/S-BUS+ protocol
PmAdamDriver for communication with ADAM devices
PmKoyoDriver for communication with PLC devices by the Koyo Electronics company
PmFatekDriver for communication with FATEK PLC devices
PmOmronFINSDriver for communication with OMRON PLC devices by the FINS protocol
PmOmronCDriver for communication with OMRON PLC devices with protocol for C-mode
PmTecoDriver for communication with PLC devices by the TECO company
PmElgas2Driver for communication with devices by the Elgas company
PmInmat66Driver for communication with INMAT66/51 heat meters
PmNET0Driver for communication by the NET0 protocol

Pm8.02.06: Fixed bug: For virtual serial port (for USB-serial link converter) the methods OpenPort and ClosePort did not work.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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