Nagłówek |
- Dane globalne
- Opis 1. kolumny
- Opis 2. kolumny
- ...
- Opis ostatniej kolumny |
Obszar danych |
- Rekord 1 (1. kolumny, 2. kolumny, ... ostatniej kolumny)
- Rekord 2 (1. kolumny, 2. kolumny, ... ostatniej kolumny)
- ...
- Ostatni rekord |
Początek | Ilość bajtów | Notatka |
1 | 1 | Znacznik pliku DBF + istnienie pozycji Memo (#3 - nie, #131 - tak) |
2 | 1 | Rok ostatniej aktualizacji pliku |
3 | 1 | Miesiąc ostatniej aktualizacji pliku |
4 | 1 | Dzień ostatniej aktualizacji pliku |
5 | 4 | Całkowita ilość rekordów w pliku |
9 | 2 | Rozmiar nagłówka pliku bazy danych |
11 | 2 | Rozmiar jednego rekordu |
13 | 20 | Zarezerwowane dla niestandardowych danych różnych aplikacji |
Początek | Ilość bajtów | Notatka |
1 | 11 | Nazwa pozycji kolumny |
12 | 1 | Typ pozycji kolumny - C (Char), D (Date), L (Logical), M (Memo), N (Numeric) |
13 | 1 | Lokalizacja pozycji kolumny |
17 | 1 | Długość pozycji kolumny |
18 | 4 | Ilość miejsc dziesiętnych (dla typu N) |
19 | 2 | Zarezerwowane |
var oBuf, aColsInfo, nHeadSize, nCountRec, nRowSize, aValues, iRow, iCol;
function DbfCreateHeadInfo()
oBuf = Pm.CreatePmBuffer();
var d = Pm.CreatePmDateObject();
oBuf.SetUint8(-2, 3);
// Memo (#3)
oBuf.SetInt8(-2, d.GetYear());
// Year last updated
oBuf.SetInt8(-2, d.GetMonth());
// Month last updated
oBuf.SetInt8(-2, d.GetDay());
// Day last updated
oBuf.SetInt32(-2, 0);
// Total number of records
oBuf.SetInt16(-2, 0);
// Header size (nCol * 32 + 32 + 1)
oBuf.SetInt16(-2, 0);
// Size of one record (sum of "Item length" of each column + 1)
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, null, 20, 0, 0);
// reserve
function DbfAddColumn(sTitle, sType, nLong, nDec)
nHeadSize = oBuf.GetInt16(8);
nRowSize = oBuf.GetInt16(10);
var nCol = (nHeadSize == 0) ? 1 : (nHeadSize - 1) / 32;
if (nCol > 1)
var nSize = oBuf.GetSize();
oBuf.SetSize(nSize -2, 1);
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, sTitle, 11, 0, 0);
// Item name
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, sType, 1, 0, 0);
// Type - C (Char), D (Date), L (Logical), M (Memo), N (Numeric)
oBuf.SetInt32(-2, 0);
// Position of the item
oBuf.SetInt8(-2, nLong);
// Item length
oBuf.SetInt8(-2, nDec);
// Number of decimal places (for type N)
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, null, 14, 0, 0);
// reserve
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, null, 2, 0, 0);
oBuf.SetInt16(8, nCol * 32 + 33);
oBuf.SetInt16(10, (nRowSize == 0) ? nLong + 1 : nRowSize + nLong);
function DbfGetColumnInfo()
oBuf.AutoOffset = 0;
nCountRec = oBuf.GetInt32(4);
nHeadSize = oBuf.GetInt16(8);
oBuf.AutoOffset = 32;
var nCols = (nHeadSize - 1 - 32) / 32;
aColsInfo = Pm.CreatePmArray().Create(nCols, 5);
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
aColsInfo.SetItem(oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, 11, 0), iCol, 0);
// Column - item name
aColsInfo.SetItem(oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, 1, 0), iCol, 1);
// Column - Type - C (Char), D (Date), L (Logical), M (Memo), N (Numeric)
aColsInfo.SetItem(oBuf.GetInt32(-4), iCol, 2);
// Column - position of the item
aColsInfo.SetItem(oBuf.GetInt8(-4), iCol, 3);
// Column - item length
aColsInfo.SetItem(oBuf.GetInt8(-4), iCol, 4);
// Column - number of decimal places (for type N)
oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, 14, 0);
// Reserve
oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, 2, 0);
function DbfAddRow(aValues)
var nCols = aValues.GetSize(1);
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
var nS = Pm.ToNumber(aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 3));
switch (aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 1))
case "D":
// D (Date)
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Len:8;");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Val, nS, 0, 0);
case "L":
// L (Logical)
var Val = aValues.GetItem(iCol);
if (Val == "T" || Val == "F")
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Val, nS, 0, 0);
else if (Val == "true" || Val == "false")
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Val == "true" ? "T" : "F", nS, 0, 0);
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Pm.ToNumber(Val) ? "T" : "F", nS, 0, 0);
case "N":
// N (Numeric)
var nDec = aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 4);
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Type:Float;Len:" + nS + ";DLen:" + nDec + ";");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Val, nS, 0, 0);
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Type:String;Len:" + nS + ";IfShort:2;IfLong:2;");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, Val, nS, 0, 0);
oBuf.SetStringFix(-2, null, 1, 0, 0);
nCountRec = nCountRec + 1;
function DbfSetHeadInfo()
var oDate = Pm.CreatePmDateObject();
oBuf.AutoOffset = 0;
oBuf.SetInt8(4, oDate.GetYear() -2000);
// Year 22, 23, ...
oBuf.SetInt8(4, oDate.GetMonth());
// Month
oBuf.SetInt8(4, oDate.GetDay());
// Day
oBuf.SetInt32(4, nCountRec);
function DbfGetData(bTitle)
var nRows = bTitle ? nCountRec + 1 : nCountRec;
var nCols = aColsInfo.GetSize(1);
var aData = Pm.CreatePmArray().Create(nRows, nCols);
var nS, Val;
var nTitle = 0;
if (bTitle)
nTitle = 1;
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
aData.SetItem(aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 0), 0, iCol);
for (iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++)
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
nS = Pm.ToNumber(aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 3));
Val = oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, nS, 0);
switch (aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 1))
case "N":
Val = Pm.ToNumber(Val);
case "L":
Val = (Val == "F") ? false : true;
aData.SetItem(Val, iRow + nTitle, iCol);
oBuf.GetStringFix(-4, 1, 0);
return aData;
function DbfFindValue(sColName, FindVal)
var nOffset = oBuf.AutoOffset;
nRowSize = oBuf.GetInt16(10);
var nCols = (nHeadSize -1 -32) / 32;
var nColSearch;
var nPozVal = 0;
var nRec = 1;
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
if (sColName == aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 0))
nColSearch = iCol;
nPozVal = nPozVal + Pm.ToNumber(aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 3));
var nS = Pm.ToNumber(aColsInfo.GetItem(nColSearch, 3));
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCountRec; iCol++)
var Val = oBuf.GetStringFix(nOffset + nPozVal, nS, 0);
if (Val == FindVal)
nPozVal = nPozVal + nRowSize;
return iCol;
function DbfEditRow(nRowEdit, aValues)
var nOffset = oBuf.AutoOffset;
nRowSize = oBuf.GetInt16(10);
var nPoz = nOffset + (nRowSize * nRowEdit);
var nCols = aValues.GetSize(1);
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCols; iCol++)
var nS = Pm.ToNumber(aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 3));
switch (aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 1))
case "D":
// D (Date)
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Len:8;");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Val, nS, 0, 0);
case "L":
// L (Logical)
var Val = aValues.GetItem(iCol);
if (Val == "T" || Val == "F")
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Val, nS, 0, 0);
else if (Val == "true" || Val == "false")
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Val == "true" ? "T" : "F", nS, 0, 0);
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Pm.ToNumber(Val) ? "T" : "F", nS, 0, 0);
case "N":
// N (Numeric)
var nDec = aColsInfo.GetItem(iCol, 4);
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Type:Float;Len:" + nS + ";DLen:" + nDec + ";");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Val, nS, 0, 0);
var oFmt = Pm.CreatePmFormat("Type:String;Len:" + nS + ";IfShort:2;IfLong:2;");
var Val = oFmt.Format(aValues.GetItem(iCol));
oBuf.SetStringFix(nPoz, Val, nS, 0, 0);
nPoz = nPoz + nS;
function DbfSaveToFile(sFile)
oBuf.SaveToFile(0, "#data:" + sFile, 0, -1);
// save to dbf file
function DbfLoadFromFile(sFile)
oBuf = Pm.CreatePmBuffer();
oBuf.LoadFromFile(-2, "#data:" + sFile, 0, -1);
oBuf.AutoOffset = 0;
// -------------------- Create dBase table --------------------------
var aValues;
// AddColumn(sTitle, sType, nLong, nDec)
DbfAddColumn("Test", "C", 9, 0);
// 1 column
DbfAddColumn("State", "L", 1, 0);
// 2 column
DbfAddColumn("ValD", "N", 12, 2);
// 3 column
DbfAddColumn("ValN", "N", 10, 0);
// 4 column
DbfAddColumn("Note", "C", 40, 0);
// 5 column
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test1", true, 45786.21, 786, "Note1");
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test2", false, 3333.33, 4568, "Note2");
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test3", true, 4567.45, 72, "Note3");
// ----------------- Get all records -------------------------
var aData = DbfGetData(true);
// (true/false) yes/no column names
// ----------------- Add Record -------------------------
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test4", false, 17.33, 111, "Test");
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test5", true, 0.29, 10, "Note5");
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test6", true, 75.5, 21, "Note6");
aValues = Pm.Array1("Test7", true, 487.53, 20, "Note7");
// ----------------- Search record and change values -------------------------
var nRow = DbfFindValue("Test", "Test4");
// var nRow = DbfFindValue("ValD", 17.33);
DbfEditRow(nRow, Pm.Array1("Test4", true, 17.33, 111, "Note4"));