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Example of workspace layout separation

The example demonstrates how to open a workspace inside another workspace.

- This example is functional for the Web.
- Located in the Pma object tree: /Examples/Others/Workspace.

The Workspace object contains PmaPanel subobjects. The workspace layout is defined on the "Frames" tab, where some frame dimensions are defined in pixels and some in percentage. The WorkUpLeft1 and WorkUpLeft1 panels have on the "Panel" tab in the "sFramePars default value" configurator the "0" setting. This combination of settings allows keep the desired workspace layout when resized.
The Pm.CreateView method serves for switching between the panels. In the fourth parameter of this method is used to define which frame to be used for opening the corresponding panel.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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