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Example of the panel with numeric weekly scheduler.

The example is created from the Preconfiguration "Weekly scheduler with single daily numeric timetable" application objects preconfigurations.

- This example is functional for the Web.
- Located in the Pma object tree: /Examples/PreCfg/Panel/Schedule/ScheduleWeekNumeric.

It works as a weekly scheduler.
For selected device and defined time mode ("daylight-saving time"/"standard time") one time-range can be entered for each day of the week. The values can be read/written from/into the CSV file (preconfiguration or setting backup) or directly into the selected device. This functionality is based on the ReadDataFromFile, SaveDataToFile, ReadData or SaveData methods.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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