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Data export to CSV text file - configuration window

The parameters for exporting the list of items into the text file of the CSV type, are set in this window.
This configuration window can be opened by the " > Export into the CSV file" button on the "Data" tab of data objects PmaData, PmaOpcDaClientGroup, PmaTrendGroup, PmaCommGroup, PmaCommMsg.
Base configurators:
File to saveReference to the disk file into which data will to be saved
column names are in the first file rowIf checked, then there are column names in the first row in the file, i.e. the first row does not contain data.
Separator of valuesCharacter that separates individual values in the file
Each value in the file is closed by couple of charactersIf any character is set here (option different from not closed), then each value in the file is closed from the left and from the right by this character.
Column list to saveThe list of columns whose data will be saved into the file. Each row is one the columns on the "Data" tab and it is possible to decide how and if it is included in the file.
Configurators of the window of the button Edit:
Save value into the file to columnSpecifies in which column the data are saved in the file (by index or it isn't saved).
Column index in the fileData will be save to column specified by index
Column name in the fileIf "column names are in the first file row" configurator is checked, then the name of the data column is set here, this name appears in the first line of the file.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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