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Object PmaData (Data)

See: PmaData - Deatiled object description

The PmaData object serves for the definition of an arbitrary number of variables of various data types in one object.

No other Pma objects can be created in this object.
This object can be created in objects: PmaRoot, PmaFolder, PmaPrototype. Multiple objects of this type can be created in such objects.
This object adds variables for calculation of the application size, which influences the basic runtime licence type/size (see: Licences for PROMOTIC runtime environment).
This object inherits properties, methods and events of the PmaObject object.
Properties and methods of this object:
CountThe number of variables in the object
DdeClientEnabledThe property returns or sets the permission of the DDE client communication
EndOfTransfer()Fires the onEndOfTransfer event
GetVarArray()Creates an array of values from all object variables
GetVarSubArray()Creates an array of values from object variables specified by index
Item()Access to variables of the PmVar type of this object
ItemEx()Access to variables of the PmVar type of this object
LoadFromString()Assignment of data item values of the object from the String value
ReadFromSocket()Reading the data from the server group via Ethernet (TCP/IP) by means of the sockets
ReadFromSocketEx()It is an extension of the ReadFromSocket method
ReadFromWeb()Reading the data from Web server in the XML format
SaveToString()Creates a string value from data item values of the object
SetVarArray()Assignment of values from the values array to the object variables
SetVarSubArray()Assignment of values array
SocketClientIsReadyDetects whether the object is ready to write/read over Sockets
WebClientIsReadyDetects whether the object is ready to write/read to Web server
WriteToSocket()Sending data from the server group via Ethernet (TCP/IP) by means of the sockets
WriteToSocketEx()It is an extension of the WriteToSocket method
WriteToWeb()Sending data to Web server in the XML format
Properties and methods inherited from the PmaObject object:
AddEvent()Registers a function into the specified event
GetOwnedByIndex()Returns the subobject defined by its index
GetOwnedByName()Returns reference to the subobject defined by its name
GetOwnedByType()Returns an array of references to the subobjects
GetOwnedNum()Returns number of subobjects in the object
GetPar()Reading the value of the Pma object parameter (or its parents)
GetPathName()Object name with the path to this object
GetPermission()Returns permission of corresponding operation from object
MethodsAccess to designer methods of this object
NameObject name (without the path)
ParentReturns reference to the parent Pma object
Pm()Returns reference to the Pma object or to its implementation subobject
RemoveEvent()Unregisters the function in the specified event
RootReturns reference to the root application object PmaRoot
Events of this object:
onEndOfTransferIs triggered after ending the data transfer
onItemAfterWriteIs triggered after writing into (the change of) the value of one variable
onItemBeforeWriteIs triggered before writing into (the change of) the value of one variable
Events inherited from the PmaObject object:
onStartIs triggered for each object in runtime only once at the beginning
onStopIs triggered for each Pma object in runtime only once at the stop of the application
Configuration tabs:
ObjectGeneral information about the object
EventsDefinition of object events algorithms
DataData definition
DDEDefinition of conditions for DDE sharing the variables
SocketsThe link-up of the object to the socket group
PermissionsObject permissions
Web serverThe link-up of the object to Web server
Related objects:
PmVar(Variable) Object represents one data item of the object
Data extensionsThe data extensions are PROMOTIC system components, extending the basic functionality of PmVar data items (variables).
Each data extension type is used for specific purpose (e.g. limit excess alarm, OPC server or connection to the PmaComm object, trends, etc.).
See also:
- PmVar (object)
- PmaDataTable (object)
- PmaNumber (object)
- PmaString (object)

Pm9.00.00: Object name changed: PmData -> PmaData
Pm8.01.00: Each data item (PmVar object) has a new Unit property (see also the "Unit" configurator).
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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