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How to save the panel of the application into a file

Saving the panel by script in the runtime

The methods PmaPanel.Print or PmgRoot.Print can be used for saving the panel.
See also How to print in the PROMOTIC system.

Saving the panel using Windows OS tools

The panel created in the graphics editor can be even saved in the form of bitmap. It is possible to save the panel opened in the graphics editor or in the running application.
Open the panel from which you want to create a bitmap, leave this window active and press the Alt+PrintScreen shortcut. Then run the program PaintBrush (Paint) and press the Shift+Insert (or Ctrl+V) shortcut. The saved content of the active window is opened and you can edit and also save it.
If you want to save the whole screen, then instead of Alt+PrintScreen press PrintScreen, otherwise the procedure is the same.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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- How to save the panel of the application into a file
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