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Macro expression $.cfgfile

This macro expression represents the value stored in the configuration file (XML or INI). See: XML and INI configuration files structure description for $.cfgfile macro expression

id = the compound value identifier (e.g. "a/b/c")
value = (optional) the replacement value in case the referred value is not found

Obsolete syntax of the macro expression: $cfgfile:id,value

1) $.cfgfile("config/data/webportnumber",0)
- Obtains the /data/webportnumber value from the configuration file referred with the config identifier.
2) $.cfgfile("config/data/webportnumber",80)
- Obtains the /data/webportnumber value from the configuration file registered with config identifier.
If the value is not found in the file, then the backup value 80 is returned.
3) $.cfgfile("config/data/boiler1/webportnumber",0)
- Obtains the /data/boiler1/webportnumber value from XML configuration file registered with config identifier. The expression allows to read the value from arbitrary hierarchical level (the boiler1 level is extra here).

Configurators in extended value editor:
Value identifierSpecifies the compound value identifier, e.g.: config/data/portnumber.
Enter replacement valueIt is used for entering substitutional value that will be used in case the referred value is not found.
Replacement valueSpecifies the replacement value
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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