Macro expression $vb
This macro expression represents
the result of the specified VBScript expression evaluation.
Also the
pMe parameter (containing the reference to a
Pma object or
Pmg object where the expression is used) can be used in this expression. This allows to initialize an property, for example, by the value containing the object name, etc.
This macro expression is considered obsolete, it is not functional for some new configurators and instead of this can be used for example
Macro expression $.expr.
xx is any VBScript expression.
$vb:"Temperature_" & pMe.Name
- If the name of the object is
water (that is referenced by the
pMe parameter), then the result is the text
$vb:Pm.IniFileRead("BoilerPlant.ini","Temperature","water", 60, 5)
- If there is the key
water=70 in the
Temperature section in the
BoilerPlant.ini file (in the application folder), then the result is a value
70 of the
Double type (see
Pm.IniFileRead method).