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GetCount - method of the PmaCommMsg object

The method returns the number of transfers of this object.
Long GetCount(Long nType)
nType(Long) Specifies transmissions in this object whose number we want to get.
0 - The number of all transfers (successul and failed) since application launch (= GetCount(1) + GetCount(2))
1 - The number of all successful transfers since application launch
2 - The number of all failed transfers since application launch
3 - The number of latest failed transfers. This number is set to 0 after every successful transmission.
By the term "transmission" is here understood the action that is finally terminated by the onEndOfTransfer event. If the "Number of repeats after unsuccessful transmission" configurator is greater than 1 in the serial link parameters (or in the Ethernet parameters), then the message is repeated more times on error but from the point of this statistics it is only 1 transmission.
If the parameter pEvent.Error = 0 in the onEndOfTransfer event, then it is "successful transmission" otherwise it is "failed transmission".
See also:
- PmaCommMsg.LastErr (property)
- PmaComm.GetCount (method)
If communication error occurs 5 times in a row in this object, then notify (e.g. call the alarm, etc.)
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oCommMsg = pMe.Pm("/Comm/mr");
if (oCommMsg.GetCount(3) > 5)
// ... The action for warning the non-functional communication
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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