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Number - tab of the PmaNumber object

The tab serves for the definition of numeric value of the object
Initial valueValue that has to be in the object at application launch.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Value property.
Data typedata type of the value.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Dt property.
TitleDetailed description of the value (e.g. Pressure Boiler1).
This configurator sets the initial value of the Title property.
UnitUnit of the value (e.g. m/s).
This configurator sets the initial value of the Unit property.
Read onlyIf checked, then the value is a constant, it cannot be changed then.
This configurator sets the initial value of the IsReadOnly property.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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