Reading all values of the data group (defined on the "
Data" tab) from the
OPC server.
Boolean Refresh(Long Attr)
Return value:
true - on success
false - on error
The method always reads all data. If it is requested to read only the specific data (into the "
Data" tab), then the
Read method can be used. The
Refresh method is the asynchronous operation (see
OPC DA Basic terms).
Refresh method
needn't be called if the "
Refresh from server at server change" configurator is checked (on the "
Parameters" tab) because the data are then "read" automatically.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oOpcGroup = pMe.Pm("/OpcClient/Group1");
if (oOpcGroup.Refresh(0))
// ...
Dim oOpcGroup
Set oOpcGroup = pMe.Pm("/OpcClient/Group1")
If oOpcGroup.Refresh(0) Then
' ...
End If