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Object CanvasCtx (Canvas Context object)

The object enables drawing area in the onDraw event by the pEvent.GetCtx(state) method.
Description see PmgCanvas.
Properties and methods:
addColorStop()Color and position in the gradient object
arc()Creates complete or partial circle
arcTo()Creates an arc between two tangents
beginPath()Sets the beginning of the drawing path
bezierCurveTo()Creates a cubic Bézier curve
clearRect()Clears the specified rectangular area
clip()Clip the drawn shape
closePath()Connects the first and last drawing
createLinearGradient()Linear color gradient
createRadialGradient()Radial color gradient
fill()Fills the current drawing path
fillRect()Draws a "filled" rectangle
fillStyleFill color
fillText()Draws filled text
fontFont properties
lineCapLine ending style
lineJoinThe corner style of two touching lines
lineTo()Line to defined point
lineWidthLine width
measureText()Returns object that contains the width of the specified text
miterLimitMaximum length of slant of two touching lines
moveTo()Sets the starting drawing position
quadraticCurveTo()Creates a quadratic Bézier curve
rect()Creates a rectangle
restore()Returns the previous state that was saved by the save method
rotate()Rotates the drawing
save()Saves the current state of the drawing (context)
scale()The size ration of the drawing
setTransform()Resets the current transform matrix to another
stroke()Strokes the edge of the object (path)
strokeRect()Hollow rectangle (no fill)
strokeStyleLine colors
strokeText()Strokes the text outline
textAlignHorizontal text alignment
textBaselineVertical alignment of the text
transform()Replaces the current transformation matrix with another
translate()Moves the (0,0) position

Pm8.02.06: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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