addColorStop() | Color and position in the gradient object |
arc() | Creates complete or partial circle |
arcTo() | Creates an arc between two tangents |
beginPath() | Sets the beginning of the drawing path |
bezierCurveTo() | Creates a cubic Bézier curve |
clearRect() | Clears the specified rectangular area |
clip() | Clip the drawn shape |
closePath() | Connects the first and last drawing |
createLinearGradient() | Linear color gradient |
createRadialGradient() | Radial color gradient |
fill() | Fills the current drawing path |
fillRect() | Draws a "filled" rectangle |
fillStyle | Fill color |
fillText() | Draws filled text |
font | Font properties |
lineCap | Line ending style |
lineJoin | The corner style of two touching lines |
lineTo() | Line to defined point |
lineWidth | Line width |
measureText() | Returns object that contains the width of the specified text |
miterLimit | Maximum length of slant of two touching lines |
moveTo() | Sets the starting drawing position |
quadraticCurveTo() | Creates a quadratic Bézier curve |
rect() | Creates a rectangle |
restore() | Returns the previous state that was saved by the save method |
rotate() | Rotates the drawing |
save() | Saves the current state of the drawing (context) |
scale() | The size ration of the drawing |
setTransform() | Resets the current transform matrix to another |
stroke() | Strokes the edge of the object (path) |
strokeRect() | Hollow rectangle (no fill) |
strokeStyle | Line colors |
strokeText() | Strokes the text outline |
textAlign | Horizontal text alignment |
textBaseline | Vertical alignment of the text |
transform() | Replaces the current transformation matrix with another |
translate() | Moves the (0,0) position |