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Ellipse - tab of the PmgEllipse object

Ellipse properties.
CircleIf checked, then displays always as a circle regardless of the Dy value on the "Position" tab.
ArcIf checked, then displays only the ellipse/circle border, i.e. the arc.
This configurator is not functional in Web panels.
Initial angleAngle in degrees for drawing the sector or the arc (the sector is terminated by the ending angle).
Ending angleAngle in degrees for drawing the sector or the arc (the sector is entered by the initial angle).
Background colorColor of the drawn ellipse/circle content - without the border and the pattern.
Pattern colorColor of the pattern (has no meaning if Pattern = None).
PatternPattern style inside the ellipse/circle.
Cross oblique
Border - widthWidth of the ellipse/circle border (in pixels).
ColorColor of the ellipse/circle border.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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