onFormLoad - event of the PmgForm object
The event is triggered when initializing the
PmgForm object.
It is a suitable place for creating the form items (for example by calling the
PmForm.CreateItem method).
The event is triggered immediately after the
onStart event is finished. The
onStart event of the subsequent
Pmg objects are not yet triggered.
pMe | (Object) Reference to the PmgForm object where the event rises. |
Example of creating a form with items of various data types.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oForm = pMe.Form;
oForm.Title = "PmForm";
oForm.BgColor = "#c0dcc0";
oForm.CreateItem("separ", "id_separ_1", "Text separator 1", "Subtype:line;");
var oInt1 = oForm.CreateItem("number", "id_nmb_1", "Int 1", "Subtype:int;Min:0;Max:5;");
oInt1.Value = 2;
var oFloat1 = oForm.CreateItem("number", "id_nmb_2", "Float 1", "Subtype:float;Min:0;Max:10;");
oFloat1.Value = 2.6;
var oString1 = oForm.CreateItem("string", "id_str_1", "String 1", "");
oString1.Value = oForm.ClientType ? "PM Runtime" : "PM Develop";
var oBool1 = oForm.CreateItem("bool", "id_bool_1", "Bool 1", "");
oBool1.Value = true;
var oEnum1 = oForm.CreateItem("enum", "id_enum_1", "Enum 1", "");
oEnum1.AddRow(0.5, "slow");
oEnum1.AddRow(9.9, "fast");
oEnum1.Value = 0.5;
oForm.CreateItem("separ", "id_space_1", "", "Subtype:space;");
oForm.CreateItem("separ", "id_separ_2", "Text separator 2", "Subtype:line;");
var oString2 = oForm.CreateItem("string", "id_str_2", "String 2", "Multiline:1;");
oString2.Value = "row 0\\r\\nrow 1";