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Src - property of the PmgFrame object

Path to the viewer of the Promotic object in the Pma object tree, that is to be displayed in this Pmg object.
String Src
Property access for read and write. The default value of this property is defined in the "Viewer" configurator of this object.
Path can be set in both absolute or relative form.
In order to change the viewer in this object it is better to use the Pm.CreateView method.

This property is also functional in Web panels.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oFrame = pMe.Items("/Frame");

var sPath = oFrame.Src;   // Reading from the property
oFrame.Src = "/Panel0";   // Writing into the property
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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