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Button - tab of the PmgRadioButton object

Radio-button properties.
Selection indexIndex of just selected text (zero-based index).
This configurator sets the initial value of the Value property.
If it is written into this property and if this property is linked to the data binding PP, AP, SP, OP or GP, then this value is transferred also into the source of this data binding.
Text colorColor of all texts with the exception of the selected text
FontFont of all texts with the exception of the selected text
Selecting colorColor of the selected text
Selecting fontFont of the selected text
The markers areShow/suppress marks before the selected text.
This configurator is not functional in Web panels.
Mark position XDistance of the mark from the left object border (in pixels).
Text position XDistance of the left text edge from the left object border (in pixels).
Text position YDistance of the upper edge of the first text in the order from the upper object border (in pixels).
Row heightThe height of one text row (in pixels)
TextsThe list of all texts for selection.
Macro expression can be used for input ($.text ..) (it is evaluated while the window is opening).
AddAdds a new text to the end of the texts list.
InsertInserts a new text above the selected text.
DeleteRemoves the selected text.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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