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Slider - tab of the PmgSlider object

Slider configuration.
ValueValue corresponding to the slider position.
This configurator sets the initial value of the Value property.
If it is written into this property and if this property is linked to the data binding PP, AP, SP, OP or GP, then this value is transferred also into the source of this data binding.
Lower limitValue of the lower limit.
This configurator sets the initial value of the ValueMin property.
Upper limitValue of the upper limit.
This configurator sets the initial value of the ValueMax property.
Button incrementValue by which the value of the slider is changed just after pressing one of the buttons
Slider incrementValue by which the value of the slider is changed just by clicking the slider background, i.e. the area between buttons and the slider.
Lower limit is 1, upper limit is 9 and the slider increment is 2. Then by clicking the slider background (the area between buttons and the slider), the slider position is changed by the value of 2. If the current value of the slider is 5, then by clicking the slider background the value is changed to 3 or 7 depending on whether we click the area above or under the slider.
Direction of growingSpecifies the direction into which the written value grows. At the end of the set direction the Upper limit is defined.
Buttons colorColor of buttons (except arrows) and slider.
Slider widthHeight or width of the slider in pixels (according to the "Direction of growing" configurator).
Arrows colorColor of arrows in buttons
In this configurator, the data binding is not functional for Web panels.
Buttons heightHeight or width of arrows in pixels (according to the "Direction of growing" configurator).
Write data when the left mouse button releasedIf the slider value is changed by mouse dragging, then new value is written when the left mouse button is released (otherwise it is written continuously).
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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