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Communication by the IEC 61850 protocol

The IEC 61850 is an international standard defining communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices at electrical substations.

The PROMOTIC system does not have communication driver for this protocol. The following communication options are available:

Communication by OPC server

For communication of the PROMOTIC application by the IEC 61850 protocol the OPC servers delivered by third parties can be used.
For example:

Communication converter from IEC 61850 protocol to other protocols.

Some manufacturers provide HW converters that transform the IEC 61850 protocol to other protocols and communication interfaces.
For example:

These converters convert the IEC 61850 protocol for example to Modbus protocol that can be used by in the PROMOTIC system the PmModbusMr communication driver.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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