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Maatrix Web service: communication with mobile apps

The Maatrix system (see http://www.maatrix.eu) provides a service that allows to send mobile application messages to defined groups of users (employees, suppliers, ...). The PROMOTIC application then can for example:
- Send messages to mobile application (give information about application status).
- Send malfunction notifications to predefined groups of users. The users can then notify the system who is the closest and can attend to the situation in the shortest time.
- Management of meetings, term appointments, tasks, etc.

The system communicates with users (of mobile Maatrix application) that are logged into the service with defined templates
The tempates can be parametrized in order to send different message content and also to receive and evaluate responses.
The usage of each template in the free mode is limited by number of messages per month.

The following steps must be completed in order to use the service:

User - i.e. the recipient of mobile application notifications.
a1. Register at Maatrix (http://www.maatrix.eu, email + password)
a2. Install mobile application Maatrix (from google play)
a3. Receive ticket from system administrator.

Customer - i.e. the manager of communication service and administrator (designer) of the PROMOTIC application that runs and controlls the communication service.
b1. Become user (steps a1 and a2)
b2. Register new customer on in-maatrix portal
b3. Select and configure template(s) from the section:
Templates by connected systems
SCADA systems
Templates for predefined settings of the PROMOTIC system
b4. Set the template licence plan (free - limited number of messages per month, basic, ...)
b5. Set template interface types Interface SCADA Promotic available "Yes"
b6. In the service setup create user tickets (step a3)

Template setting and communication itself can be verified from the Web form of each template.

The usage of the service in the PROMOTIC system:

The Preconfiguration "Sending messages to Maatrix mobile application service" preconfiguration has been created in order to send Maatrix messages from the PROMOTIC application. The preconfiguration communicates with the service by the HTTPRequest where the "message body" contains JSON data. The data structure is the same for all templates (designer "Template_Send" method of the PmaSequencer object). Address is: "https://in-maatrix1.com:9971".

The codes necessary for service (template) identification in the preconfiguration used for sending of messages
- The template must have Interface SCADA Promotic interface enabled (step b5). Interface identifier InterfaceID is a 9-character code starting with letters int
- The template identifier ServiceceID - 9-character code starting with letters srv (service ID) of the template used
- M2M password M2Mpswd - 9-character code (M2M password) of the template used

Pm8.03.06: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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