Data type |
Length |
Description |
bigint |
8 |
Integer from -2^63 (-9 223 372 036 854 775 808) to 2^63-1 (9 223 372 036 854 775 807) |
int |
4 |
Integer from -2^31 (-2 147 483 648) to 2^31-1 (2 147 483 647) |
smallint |
2 |
Integer from -2^15 (-32 768) to 2^15-1 (32 767) |
tinyint |
1 |
Integer from 0 to 255 |
bit |
1 bit |
Integer 0 or 1. |
decimal(precision, scale) |
5-17 |
Numeric data type with fixed precision and scale (precision 1-38, 18 by default and scale 0-p, 0 by default). |
numeric |
5-17 |
The same as decimal data type. |
money |
8 |
Financial data type from -2^63 (-922 337 203 685 477.5808) to 2^63-1 (922 337 203 685 477.5807) with the precision of one ten-thousandth unit. |
smallmoney |
4 |
Financial data type from -2^31 (-214 748.3648) to 2^31-1 (214 748.3647) with the precision of one ten-thousandth unit. |
float(n) |
4-8 |
Numeric data type with float precision, where n is the number of mantis bits (1-24, precision of 7 digits, size of 4 bytes and 25-53, precision of 15 digits and size of 8 bytes). |
real |
4 |
Numeric data type with float precision that is defined as a float(24). |
datetime |
8 |
Data type representing date and time from 1.1.1753 to 31.12.9999 with the precision about 3 ms. Values are rounded to .000, .003 and .007. |
smalldatetime |
4 |
Data type representing date and time from 1.1.1900 to 6.6.2079 with the precision of 1 minute. Values up to 29.998 are rounded down and values from 29.999 are rounded up to the nearest minute. |
char |
n |
Text string of fixed length (maximum length: 8000 characters) |
varchar |
n |
Text string of variable length (maximum length: 8000 characters) |
text |
n |
Text string of variable length (maximum length: 2^31-1 = 2 147 483 647 characters) |
nchar |
2*n |
Unicode text string of fixed length (maximum length: 4000 characters) |
nvarchar |
2*n |
Unicode text string of variable length (maximum length: 4000 characters) |
ntext |
2*n |
Unicode text string of variable length (maximum length: 2^30-1 = 1 073 741 823 characters) |
binary |
n+4 |
Binary data of fixed length (maximum length: 8000 bytes) |
varbinary |
n+4 |
Binary data of variable length (maximum length: 8000 bytes) |
image |
n |
Binary data of variable length (maximum length: 2^31-1 = 2 147 483 647 bytes) |
cursor |
For storing the reference to cursors in the variable or in a procedure (no in the CREATE TABLE method). |
sql_variant |
For storing value of another type (no text, ntext, image, timestamp, sql_variant) of max. length to 8016 bytes. ODBC doesn't fully support this data type. |
table |
For storing the query result for the later usage. |
timestamp |
8+4 |
Data type generates automatically binary numbers, unique in the database, used usually to the rows identification. There can be only column of this data type in the table. |
uniqueidentifier |
Data type for storing GUID (new by means of the NEWID function or existing from the string in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, for example 6F9619FF-8B86-D011-B42D-00C04FC964FF). |