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List of statements and stored procedures of the MS SQL Server database language

ALTER TABLEChange the structure of an existing database table. It is possible to add, delete or change the column.
BACKUP DATABASEDatabase backup
CREATE TABLECreates new database table
DELETEDelete rows in the table
DROP TABLEDelete database table
INSERTAdds new record into the database table
RESTORE DATABASERestore the database from the backup
SELECTData query. The result is always in the table form.
sp_addloginCreates a login account for connection to the SQL Server instance with using the SQL Server authentication
sp_addrolememberAdds an account as a database role member of the SQL Server in the current database
sp_addsrvrolememberAdds an account as a fixed role member of the SQL Server
sp_grantdbaccessEnable an access of the specified login account to the current database
sp_passwordChange the password of the login account
sp_renameChange the name of a user created object (table, column, etc.) in the current database
sp_tablesReturns a list of objects that can appear in the clause FROM (table, view)
UPDATEChange values in the existing table record
USEChange the database context (current, default database)
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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