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Find - configuration window

The window serves for searching texts in the table of selected tabs of the INFO system.
FindIt is used for entering the searched text.
Find in columnsSpecifies table columns to be searched for defined text.
Position of searched textSpecifies the position of searched text relative to table cell text.
Any - Searched text can be in any position in table cell text.
At the beginning of cell text - The table cell text must be beginning with the searched text.
At the end of cell text - The table cell text must be ending with the searched text.
Distinguish CAPITAL lettersSpecifies whether CAPITAL letters are distinguished in serched text.
Find nextSearch for next appearance of searched text in the table. If the end of the table was reached during search then the search continues from beginning of the table.
Find previousSearch for previous appearance of searched text in the table. If the beginning of the table was reached during search then the search continues from the end of the table.
See also:

Pm8.03.21: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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