INFO system is a summary of information that can be viewed in the running application in the special window. The INFO system is provided for designers and it allows them to find the current state of the system, states of its parts including diagnostics and statistics. For example it is possible to find all data values in the application, to get the statistics of the success rate of the data transfer via the computer's serial port, display debug texts written in scripts into the
Debug item of the INFO system, and many others informations.
INFO system can be configured in the
PmaRoot object:
How to open the INFO system:
In runtime the INFO system window can be opened:
- from the predefined toolbar.
In the development environment the INFO system window can be opened:
- from the toolbar
In the Web browser, the INFO system can be opened if the PROMOTIC application acts as
Web server and if in the application is the
PmaWebInfo object.
The INFO system window consists of three parts. On the left there is a tree of individual pieces of information (of items). In between there are tab windows from which it is possible to view chosen information (most information have more parts and therefore they are divided into tabs). On the right there is a set of control buttons:
Open new:
Opens new INFO system window. This way it can be opened up to 3 more windows (maximum number of open windows is 4). It is possible to observe several different indicators simultaneously.
- Refresh: Refreshes window content. It is also possible to activate autorefresh by the "Start" button instead.
Print into the file:
Saves the tabs content into the text file. The file name entry window is opened before saving (the file is preset according to the "
File to print the content" configurator). It is also possible to define whether to save only the selected tab or all tabs of the corresponding item. See also the
Pm.InfoWriteToFile method.
In some INFO system tabs some actions can be executed. These actions can be initiated by this button or by the right mouse button (in the context menu) in corresponding tab. This can be done only if the "
PmaRoot > Permissions > InfoEdit" permission is fullfiled. The action can be performed over the information also by the
Pm.InfoAction method.
For example:
- It is possible to delete all rows over the Debug items.
- It is possible even to
enter new value over the information about the
PmaData or
PmaDataTable objects.
Syntax of displayed numeric value: Here, it is possible to define the syntax of numeric value:
- Binary: Display as binary
- Octal: Display as octal
- Decimal: (default) Cisplay as decimal
- Hexa: Display as hexadecimal
- Bits: Display as bits
Starts/stops value autorefresh.
- Period (s): Autorefresh period (in seconds).
The INFO system
remembers its state (position and size of the window, last opened tab, widths of columns, refreshing period) and when opening the window, the last state is set. But this state is stored only in the memory by default and so it isn't preserved when closing the PROMOTIC system.
The state of the INFO system can be stored even in the
Application.ini file. It is performed by setting the
StoreType key in the
[InfoSystem] section - see
Description of keys in the [InfoSystem] section.
The item list of the left window follows:
Probably the most important information are
global application errors (
Errors item). If the application runs and for example a division by zero occurs, then the system doesn't break down of course but it is an error that is written into the INFO system. The designer can come to the application after some days, watch the INFO system, find out the errors that occurred and make an update of the application accordingly.
Errors item is divided into several tabs:
List of all errors
List of panels errors
List of scripts errors (including qualification of the event, row and column numbers)
List of communication errors
List of database errors. These are the errors that occurred in the
PmaAdo and
PmaDatabase objects.
List of errors added by the designer by the
Pm.InfoErrorAdd method.
The print-out of global errors can also be done into the
Debug item of the INFO system in parallel. It is performed by setting the "
ErrRedir" key in the
Application.ini file.
In the
Warnings item, there is only one tab so far, named
Obsolete. On this tab, the
obsolete components used in the application are being displayed. Some of these obsolete components may not be functional in further PROMOTIC versions. The designer can transfer these obsolete components into new concepts.
Description of the "Warnings" item in the INFO system..
The PROMOTIC system itself takes care about writing into most items. But the item
Debug exists and it contains "
Debug1" and "
Debug2" tabs. The designer can write into them. It is done by the
Pm.Debug method. The text in the parameter of this method is added as a new line into the relevant tab. The designer can watch in a simple way how the watched process runs.
The number of rows on the "
Debug1" and "
Debug2" tabs is limited (default 1000 rows). If this limit is reached, then the oldest line is deleted. This limit can be set in the "
Maximum row number in the "Debug" item" configurator.
It can be set the
"EnableDebug" key in the
Application.ini file in the
[Log] section so that writing into
Debug is done into the
Application.log file in parallel.
Debug item can be used to insert additional user defined subitems by methods
Pm.InfoLogReg and
In this part some global system information can be found.
SYSTEM item is divided into several tabs:
Application: Several global information regarding the application, for example PROMOTIC version (See also:
How to find PROMOTIC version),
Windows OS version,
VBScript version, launching time, the application folder, local IP address, etc.
Complete application statistics. The following information can be found here:
- number of running scripts and number of script errors
- number of opened panels
- number of changes in alarms
- number of saved trends
- number of correct and incorrect communication transfers
From this item it is possible to find out the information (statics, current values, settings, etc.) about the communication with external sources. Here is for example:
- The
Connected_Users tab offers the information regarding connected
network users.
- The information about the state of the
PROMOTIC communication drivers. There is a list of the communication drivers used (of
PmaComm objects) each with the information tabs:
Transfer statistics, for example the number of valid transfers, invalid transfers of certain types, etc.
The current state of the driver, for example processing state, transfer parameters, etc.
The contents of transferred data and completed actions. It is a detailed transfer history using a cyclic line list. Each line contains either the character (in decimal, in hexadecimal or ASCII form) or the completed action with parameter.
This tab is included only in specific communications displaying the event history digestedly but in less detail compared to the
"Monitor" tab. Maximum row number is 500.
WebServer item provides the information regarding the status of the
Web communication (the HTTP transfer statistics, the contents of last transfers, etc.). This item can be found in the INFO system only if the
PmaWeb object is present in the application.
- The
DDE item provides the information regarding the status of the
DDE communication. This item can be found in the INFO system only if the "
DDE enabled" configurator is checked.
The designer can observe the current state of any
Pma object in this item. For example, he can watch current values in the
PmaData object, how many times the event is triggered in any object, etc.
PmaRoot item is displayed in the INFO system window only in runtime (only if the "
PmaRoot > Permissions > InfoShowApp" permission is fullfiled).
If the "
PmaRoot > Permissions > InfoEdit" permission is fullfiled, then some object have the "
Actions" button active, where it can be changed the properties (e.g. in the
PmaData object change the
Value property of variables) or call methods (e.g. in the
PmaCommGroup object call the
Refresh method).
In this item, the designer can track the current state of any of the
Pmg object in any currently open panel. The For example you can track the current values of variables in
Vars, or the number of times the event of any of the object is triggered, etc.
Panels item is displayed in the INFO system window only in runtime (only if the "
PmaRoot > Permissions > InfoShowApp" permission is fullfiled).