File | It is used for changing the currently selected file. |
Save file | Saves all changes into the file. |
New file | Creates a new user file in the application folder. |
Delete file | Deletes currently selected file. |
Displayed languages | Displays window for changing supported or displayed languages. |
Add | Displays window for adding new item. |
Edit | Displays window for editing new item. |
Delete | Removes selected item |
Up | Moves selected item one position up. |
Down | Moves selected item one position down. |
Export | Executes export of localized texts into the CSV file. |
Import | Executes import of localized texts from the CSV - text format for data exchange file. |
Copy | Copies the expression containing either the selected identifier or the whole macro expression into the Windows clipboard. The expression from the Windows clipboard can then be inserted into the corresponding location in the application. |
Notepad | Opens the currently selected XML file in Notepad application. |
Find | It is used for entering the text that is to be found in currently displayed table of localized texts.
The search starts automatically each time the text in the configurator is modified. All cells containing the defined text are highlighted. The "Find next" button and "Find previous" button can be used to navigate in the search results. |
Find in columns | It is used for entering the column identifier where the search will be executed. This way it is possible, for example, to limit the search only to selected languages. If the option "All columns" is selected, then the text will be searched in the whole table of localized texts. |