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Menu and toolbar of the development environment


= Menu of the application
- Launch PmManager: Launches the PmManager program.
If it is already running then its window is focused on top.

- Save object (Ctrl+S): Saves the Pma object in active tab
- Save all modified objects (Ctrl+Shift+S): All modified Pma objects in all tabs will be saved.
- Save application as ...: Opens a window for saving and renaming the application. The application is closed first, then a copy of "Application.pra" and "Application.ini" files is made with new filenames and new "Application.pra" file is then opened.
- Defragment the application: First, the aplication backup will be created as exact file copy of the current PRA file. Then the current application file will be defragmented, i.e. all Pma and Pmg objects will be re-inserted into the PRA file
- Application consistency test ...: Opens a window where the consistency test of the application can be initiated.
- Application backup: Create and manage application backups
- Create application backup: Application backup will be created as exact file copy of the current PRA file.
- Application backup manager ...: Opens a window for application backup management: Application backup manager
- Open files folder: Opens selected item in the Windows File explorer
- The PROMOTIC application folder (#app:)
- Application resources folder (#appres:)
- Application data files folder (#data:)
- Application configuration files folder (#cfg:)
- Application temporary files folder (#temp:)
- PROMOTIC folder (#pm:)
- Open application file: Opens selected application file for editing or viewing in the Notepad program
- Application.ini: Opens the Application.ini file in the Notepad program
- Application.log: Opens the Application.log file in the Notepad program
- Application_RtStop.log: Opens the Application_RtStop.log file in the Notepad program

- Application runtime: Launching, stopping and restarting a application runtime
- Launch application runtime (F5): Launches the application in runtime.
- Stop the application runtime (Shift+F5): Stops running application in runtime.
- Restart application runtime (Ctrl+F5): Stops the application running in runtime and restarts it.
- Bring application runtime to the foreground: Brings the application runtime window to the foreground.
If the window is minimized, then it restores its original position and size.

- INFO system ...: Opens the window of the INFO system.
- Localized texts manager ...: Opens a window that is used for managing localized texts of the application: Localized texts manager
- Manager of configuration files ...: Opens a window for managing application configuration files: Manager of configuration files
- Manager of application scripts ...: Opens a window for management of application scripts: Manager of application scripts
- Development environment settings ...: Opens the "Development environment settings" configuration window for setting properties of the development environment
- Help: Opens PROMOTIC documentation.
- Help (F1): Opens the PROMOTIC help window focused to the section related to currently executed actions.
- Help content (Ctrl+F1): Opens the PROMOTIC documentation at the beginning.

- About ...: Opens the info window about the PROMOTIC program displaying the information about used PROMOTIC version and contacts to the MICROSYS company.

- Close (Alt+F4): End and close the PROMOTIC application
= (F5) Launches the application in runtime. See How to start PROMOTIC runtime application
- Launch application runtime: Launches the application in runtime. (F5)
- Stop the application runtime: Stops running application in runtime.(Shift+F5)
- Restart application runtime: Stops the application running in runtime and restarts it. (Ctrl+F5)
- Bring application runtime to the foreground: Brings the application runtime window to the foreground.
If the window is minimized, then it restores its original position and size.
- Open file Application.log: Opens the Application.log file in the Notepad program
- Open file Application_RtStop.log: Opens the Application_RtStop.log file in the Notepad program
= (Shift+F5) Stops running application in runtime.
= Opens the window of the INFO system.
= Opens a window where the consistency test of the application can be initiated.
= Opens the PROMOTIC help window focused to the section related to currently executed actions.
- Help: Opens the PROMOTIC help window focused to the section related to currently executed actions. (F1)
- Help content: Opens the PROMOTIC documentation at the beginning. (Ctrl+F1)
- About: Opens the info window about the PROMOTIC program displaying the information about used PROMOTIC version and contacts to the MICROSYS company. See: How to find PROMOTIC version.
= (Ctrl+Shift+S) All modified Pma objects in all tabs will be saved.
= (Ctrl+S) Saving just edited object

Pm9.00.16: New option in the menu " > Open application file" for opening the files Application.ini, Application.log or Application_RtStop.log.
Pm8.02.02: New localized text manager
Pm8.01.03: In the basic menu, when selecting the > Save application as the application was not saved correctly.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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