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Preconfiguration "FTP file transfer (curl)"

The panel with methods for FTP file transfer (upload/download)

This preconfiguration can be activated when creating a new object (e.g. by "New object ..." in the context menu of the object or by pressing the Insert key after selecting the object).
This preconfiguration is included in the "/ Communication / Protocols and other communications / FTP communication protocol" group.
This preconfiguration can be created in the PmaFolder, PmaRoot or PmaPrototype object.

- The preconfiguration creates an object of the PmaPanel type containing the FTPdownload and FTPsend methods. These have the sDir, sLocalFile, sRemoteFile parameters. The window contains the PmgWEdit objects used for entering the folder address containing the desired files on the FTP server, the address and filename of the file on local disk and the name of the target saved file. Additional objects are the PmgButton, that provide the FTPdownload or FTPsend methods in the onButtonUp event with the specified values and then the desired files are uploaded/downloaded from/to the FTP server.
- This preconfiguration assumes the use of the Curl.exe program. https://everything.curl.dev/index.html, https://curl.se/windows/
- The preconfiguration is created including the panel (object of the PmaPanel type) is functional also as Web panel. In order to make the preconfiguration functional also on the Web, it is necessary to enable the object of the PmaPanel type for the Web (on the "Web server" tab).

The technology used is running in a synchronous mode,
These configurators can be set before the preconfiguration is created:
The name of created objectName of the object created in the Pma object tree.
The maximum name length is 30 characters.
This is a system name, so it must contain only alphanumeric and must not contain any diacritics (i.e. national dependent characters), empty string, spaces and first character must not be a number.
Default: "FtpTransfer"
FTP server addressURL address, for example in the form www.ftpserver.com.
UserID on the FTP serverFTP user name
Password on the FTP serverFTP user password

Pm9.00.29: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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