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PROMOTIC 9.0 - Release notes

See also: PROMOTIC system news.

Version 9.0.31 (from 4.12.2024) - stable version

Revision 1: (from 12.12.2024)

Version 9.0.30 (from 25.11.2024) - stable version

- The "Position" tab of the PmgObject object: New "Corner radius" configurator for entering the radius of corner rounding of the Pmg object.
- PmS7 communication driver: Now is supported data type WCHAR and WSTRING.

Version 9.0.29 (from 29.8.2024) - stable version

- Management of application designers in the development environment: New component used to secure the application against unauthorized access and setting permissions of application designers to access objects in the Pma object tree.
- PmArray.Insert method:
- Added support for adding rows to 2-dimensional arrays.
- New option 2 in the nType parameter allowing to add empty items/rows.
- PmOpcUaClient communication driver:
- Receiving of the ExtensionObject data type is now available, i.e. receive the whole data structure.
- Fixed bug: Reading and writing the value of the String type did not work correctly if the value contained diacritic characters.

Version 9.0.28 (from 26.04.2024) - stable version

- PmaComm.InfoLogAdd method: New method for writing text into the item "/COMM/Driver/Log" in the INFO system.
- INFO system: Now the content of any of the Pmg object can be displayed in any currently open panel (see item Panels).
- New methods and properties in the graphic object PmfTable:
- Method SetArray/GetArray in subobjects PmfTableArea/PmfTableRow/PmfTableColumn allows to set/get an array of values from the corresponding area/row/column of the table.
- Property Multiline in subobjects PmfTableArea/PmfTableRow/PmfTableColumn/PmfTableCell allows to set/select whether the text in the cell will behave as multirow.
- Method PmfTable.SetRowHeight/GetRowHeight allows to set/get the row height in the corresponding area of the table.
- PmS7 communication driver: Now is supported data type TOD (Time of day).
- PmElgas2 communication driver:
- Now compatible also with devices of the ELCORlite type.
- The date and time in the device are now also available in the variables in the PmaCommGroup object (in the PmVar.TimeSource property).
- PmABradleyCIP communication driver: Generalization for communication with PLC devices of the Micro850 type. In the protocol parameters in the "PLC type" configurator there is a new item 2 = Micro850/870 firmware22+.
- PmManager: New configuration window for setting and controlling the PmRtManager program.

Version 9.0.27 (from 24.11.2023) - stable version

- PmArray.Filter method: New method - Allows to filter 1-dimensional array.
- PmfTable.EditType property: New property EditType for setting the table cell editing permission.
- Pm.StringFind method: New option reverse:n; allows to define the search direction.
- Video tutorials: All video tutorials have been redone.
Now the tutorial describes creation of application for temperature control in hotel rooms.
It is simpler and more illustrative for training purposes compared to the previous tutorials with the application for boiler room control.

Version 9.0.26 (from 2.11.2023) - stable version

Revision 1:
- Bugfixes

- PmForm object: New PmfTree object, which can be used to display the tree structure of data in a form.
- Development environment:
- Improved text search in Pma and Pmg object editors:
- can search both Pma and Pmg objects simultaneously
- searches also in objects of the PmgPrototype type
- The option to select multiple objects at the same level in the tree of Pma objects and of Pmg objects.
The selected operation (e.g. Cut, Copy, Remove, etc.) is then executed over all selected objects.
- Communication drivers:
- The PmaComm object - Setting the parameters of the Ethernet-client: In the "Network address" configurator, it is now also possible to use the IPv6 address.
- PmABradleyCIP communication driver: Generalization for communication with PLC devices of the Micro850 type. There is a new "PLC type" configurator configurator in the protocol parameters.
- PmMBus communication driver: Generalization for data receiving from area B1 (RAM) and B4 (EEPROM).
- Pm.PlaySound method: Parameters repeat and stop enabled for the Web.
- New preconfigurations:

Version 9.0.25 (from 15.6.2023) - stable version

- PmDNP3 communication driver: New driver for communication by the DNP3 protocol.
- Development environment:
- The option to move the application tab to a new window in order to split the development environment into multiple separate windows.
- New tab control options of the application and a new contextual Menu of tabs of the application.
- Menu and toolbar of the graphics editor:
- The option to move selected Pmg objects by the mouse between compound objects
- subobjects editing must be enabled
- The PmaDataTable object:
- PmaDataTable.GetCellValue method: New sParams parameter. Specifies the behavior of the method in more detail.
- PmaDataTable.SetCellValue method: New sParams parameter. Specifies the behavior of the method in more detail.
- The PmaSequencer object:
- PmaSequencer.Remove method:
- New option "return:xxx;" allows to specify, whether the method returns the number of removed items or an array of removed item values.
- New options 4, 5, 14, 15 of the CheckType parameter.
- PmaSequencer.Add method:
- New option "pos:xxx;" allows to specify where the new item is queued.
- New option "timeout:xxx;" allows to specify where the new item is queued.
- New Val4 parameter and Val5 parameter.
- The PmForm object:
- PmfTable.MoveRow method: new method for moving a table row.
- Opening the viewer of the PmForm object (/#glob/form): Fixed bug: Did not work the ev.Form parameter in the onClose event in the Web panel.
- The "Image" tab of the PmgRasterImage object: The "Crop image" configurator for Web panels is now functional.
- PmgBox.BorderType property: New types of border box: Ridge and Solid.
- The Pm object:
- Pm.GetVarType method: The nMode parameter has a new option 2 allows to specify that the object's numeric code will be returned.
- Pm.GetSystemInfo method: Fixed bug: The option "app.lastuseracttime" was not functional in the Web panel.
- Pm.GenerateId method: New method - Returns a unique numeric identifier.
- Pm.PrinterCfg method: New method - Displaying the printer selection and setup window.
- PmArray object: New methods GetSubArray and SetSubArray for reading/writing row/column in the array.

Version 9.0.24 (from 15.12.2022) - stable version

- Bugfixes in the development environment, in the PmFormat object and in the PmfTable object.
- New preconfigurations:

Version 9.0.23 (from 10.11.2022) - stable version

- The "Data" tab of the PmaObject object: Extending control options and adding new functions to the variable table
(row and cell mode, multiple item selection, direct cell editing, filter rows, column configuration, remove, copy, insert items, search and replace text, etc.)
- PmDateObject object:
- New property GetDayOfYear - returns day of year.
- New property GetWeekOfYear - returns week of year.

Version 9.0.22 (from 22.8.2022) - stable version

- How to create an application using different national languages: Added new supported runtime national languages: Bulgarian (bg).
- PmS7 communication driver: Fixed bug: If PLC device split the received data of one request into multiple submessages, then a bad receive was signalled.
- PmBACnet communication driver: Fixed bug: Receiving and writing of the priority-array[x] property is now available.
Also the driver functionality is extended to receive a separate priority-array property (i.e. without specifying an index) - see the example AnalogOutput.15.priority-array.
- The "Appearance" tab of the PmaRoot object: In the "Application appearance zoom" configurator, the macro expression can be used for entering the value.

Version 9.0.21 (from 1.5.2022) - stable version

- Windows remote desktop: Since this version, HW Key works directly via Windows remote desktop (RDP), without the need to use a local licence server.
- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: Bugfix: If in the PmaCommGroup object many variables were used then data receipt did not work.
New "PmaCommGroup > Parameters > Special Parameters > Maximum number of variables in one registering message" configurator.
- PmABradleyCIP communication driver: Fixed bug: Receiving the value of the $STRING type did not work when it was in the form of structure.
- PmaCommGroup.onDataSend event: New event that is triggered after sending data to the communication.

Version 9.0.20 (from 23.2.2022) - stable version

- Formatting rule for date and time (DateTime):
- New option D = day of year.
- New option Wi = week of year.
- New option ws = day of the week (week starting on Sunday).
- New option wm = day of the week (week starting on Monday).
- New preconfigurations:

Version 9.0.19 (from 2.2.2022) - stable version

- PmManager:
- Tools and settings > Installator manager > PROMOTIC application: New configurators for adding an application shortcut to the Windows desktop and for adding user files and folders to the application folder.
- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: Fixed bug: If could not connect, then new connection requests were being made and old requests were not terminated.
- The PmaWebDir object:
- PmaWebDir.onPageLoad event:
- New pEvent.Params parameter with parameters in the URL.
- The pEvent.FilePath parameter is now for read and write.
- PmaWebDir.onPageModify event:
- New pEvent.Params parameter with parameters in the URL.
- New pEvent.MimeType parameter containing MIME type of the HTML page.
- Pm.GetSystemInfo method: New options:
- "objects.kernel.usage": Returns the number of handles (Handle, KERNEL objects) of the process.
- "objects.gdi.usage": Returns the number of GDI objects of the process.
- "objects.gdi.usage.peak": Returns the maximum reached value of the number of GDI objects of the process.
- "objects.user.usage": Returns the number of USER objects (User interface objects) of the process.
- "objects.user.usage.peak": Returns the maximum reached value of the USER objects number (User interface objects) of the process.
- Pm.PrintScreen method: Added the "screen:xxx;" parameter and the "point:x,y;" parameter.

Version 9.0.18 (from 5.10.2021) - stable version

- Installator manager: New tool for creating and managing PROMOTIC custom installers.
The installer allows to create an installation program containing PROMOTIC version and one or more PROMOTIC applications.

Version 9.0.17 (from 24.8.2021) - stable version

- PmFormat new object: This object allows a new general type of formatting (conversion) of the value (number, text string, logical value, date and time) into a text string and back.
This formatting can now be used:
- in the PmgNumber object (see the "Value format type" configurator) or
- as a separate object created by the new method Pm.CreatePmFormat.
- PmArray.Sort method: New onSort parameter to sort a 1-dimensional array using a function.
- PmIEC8705 communication driver: New type of Master message of the Read command (ASDU-102, C_RD_NA_1) type.

Version 9.0.16 (from 21.5.2021) - stable version

- PmOpcUaClient communication driver:
- New authentication option of the UserName type, (i.e. name and password must be entered).
- Fixed bug: After some time (e.g. after 5 minutes) this driver was restarted.
- The "Text editing of the object" configuration window: New window for text editing of Pma and Pmg objects and its subobjects.
This window replaces the Content tab of the objects PmaObject and PmgObject.
- PmaRoot.onAppStopEnd event: The PROMOTIC system now, in this event, preconfigures the saving of the INFO system status (the content of the Errors and Debug items) into the Application_RtStop.log file.
This file can then be viewed in the development environment in the menu " > Open application file".
- New AddEvent method in each Pma object and Pmg object allows registration of JavaScript functions to be called when the defined object event occures.

Version 9.0.15 (from 25.3.2021) - stable version

Revision 2:
- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: Fixed bug: Establishing connection with some types of OPC UA servers failed
- PmgAlarmStateViewer object: Fixed bug: Incorrect background color setting
Revision 1:
- Fixed bug: The texts in alarm nad event viewers were aligned to the center instead of to the left of the table columns.

- Generalization alarm and event viewers (PmgAlarmStateViewer, PmgAlarmHistoryViewer, PmgEventViewer objects):
- Each object now has configuration tab Viewer, that can be used for example to define table background color etc.
- New property SortType and SortCol that can be used to set table sorting in the script.
- The "Data extension AlarmAnalog" configuration window of the ExtAlarmAnalog object: New configurators "Hysteresis for upper limits and "Hysteresis for lower limits for entering the hysteresis upper/lower limits.
Now it is possible for the alarm to disappear with different value that triggered it.
- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: Fixed bug: Malfunction accured when the received communication message was divided into multiple submessages.
- PmCharServer communication driver: Added option to use the PmaCommMsg object of the Master type. For now, it is working only for communication with a single client.
- MQTT communication protocol: Fixed bug: Update and bugfix of the driver to comply with the MQTT5 standard.
- The following system objects have been renamed PmgPane to PmgBox, PmgBarPane to PmgBarBox, PmgSliderPane to PmgSliderBox and PmgMeterPane to PmgMeterBox.
- PmfNumber.StepSize property: New property for entering of incremet by clicking the mouse the "up"/"down" buttons while editing.
- New preconfigurations:

Version 9.0.14 (from 5.1.2021) - stable version

Revision 1:
- PmgObject.GetPar method: Fixed bug: Parameter evaluation in embedded graphic objects

- PmKNX communication driver: New driver for communication by the KNX protocol.
- PmBuffer.CalcCheckSum method: New types of checksums (hash) md5, sha256 and sha512.
- Pm.WndOper method: New method: Operation execution over the opened window of another application
- How to create an application using different national languages: Added new supported runtime national languages: Italian (it).
- PmgAlarmStateViewer object: Modified preconfiguration controls, added context menu and new function for printing. New onConnect event.
- PmgAlarmHistoryViewer object: Modified preconfiguration controls, added context menu and new function for printing. Extended GetColInfo method and new methods GetGroupInfo, GetTimeFormat and SetTimeFormat.
- PmgEventViewer object: Modified preconfiguration controls, added context menu and new function for printing. Extended GetColInfo method and new methods GetGroupInfo, GetTimeFormat and SetTimeFormat.
- PmgTrendViewer object: Modified preconfiguration controls, added context menu in the viewer and new function for displaying values of the active trend as a table in a new window.
- The "Data extension AlarmAnalog" configuration window of the ExtAlarmAnalog object: In the "Alarm identifier" configurator it is now possible to use Macro expression.
- New preconfigurations:
- Preconfiguration Vertical bit MultiCheckBox

Version 9.0.13 (from 21.10.2020) - stable version

- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: Fixed bug: On writing into variables in the PmaCommGroup object the communication was sometimes terminated.
- PmSMS communication driver: New "Character set" configurator allows the UTF-8 encoding for the modem.
- How to create an application using different national languages: Added new supported runtime national languages: Estonian (et).
- ExtWriteAction object: Added testing of the written value for quality, minimum and maximum.

Version 9.0.12 (from 11.9.2020) - stable version

- PmManager: During the installation and in the PmManager program an option was added allowing to set higher security of the PROMOTIC system folders. It defines whether the changes to these folders can be done by any user or only the users with admin rights.
- PmaTrendGroup object: Fixed bug: Bugfix of records reading by methods GetValueByTime and GetData. The filename comparation was case sensitive by mistake.
- PmaSequencer object: Fixed bug: Bugfix of sequencer running in another thread.
- PmaAlarmGroup object: Fixed bug: Bugfix of dynamic PmAlarmItem and onStateChange.
- New preconfiguration:
- Preconfiguration File explorer

Version 9.0.11 (from 3.8.2020) - stable version

- Development environment: The option to edit multiple Pma objects simultaneously by means of tabs of the application in the window title bar of the development environment.
- The "Web" tab of the PmaWeb object: New "Extended configuration" configurator with the option HttpHeaders. Allows to set for example the name and value of HTTP headers that will be inserted into each HTTP transmission.
- PmaPanel.GetLastRefresh method: New method. It is used for obtaining the time when this panel requested data (locally or on the Web) for the last time
This way it is possible to determine whether the panel is currently open (locally or on the Web) and then, for example, modify the communication period.
- Application INI file description (Application.ini): New keys MediumDt and MediumRt allow to set another licence for the development environment and for runtime environment.
- New preconfiguration:
- Preconfiguration File manager

Version 9.0.10 (from 22.5.2020) - stable version

- Editor of Pmg objects: Adding Drag&Drop functionality in the Pmg object tree.
Selected Pmg object can be easily grabbed by the mouse and dragged in order to move/copy it in front or behind another Pmg object.
- Prototypes and instances: Bugfixes and improvements of local and global Pma and Pmg prototypes.
- When renaming the prototype it is possible to choose whether the name of the prototype is to be changed also in all its instances
- when removing the prototype it is possible to choose whether all instances are to be removed together with the removal of the prototype
- In the prototype selection window, it is now possible to create new local/global Pma or Pmg prototype
- The PmaFolder object can now be copied into a new PmaPrototype global object
- The PmgBox object can now be copied into a new PmaPrototype global object
- PmBuffer.CalcCheckSum method: New method for calculation various checik sums for data contained in the buffer.
- Data extensions ExtComm and ExtOpcDa: These objects now have new properties RecalcD, RecalcK and RecalcQ that can be used changing the recalculation values in the script.

Version 9.0.9 (from 18.3.2020) - stable version

Since this version, the Promotic9.0 is considered stable. Only necessary bugfixes and new features not affecting system stability will be added to this version.

- PmOpcUaClient communication driver: New driver for communication with OPC UA servers.
- Pm.CreateView method: New method for opening various viewers (panel = PmaPanel, report = PmaReport, form = PmForm, etc.).
This method replaces the method OpenView and provides simpler and more general approach to opening various types of viewers in the PROMOTIC system.
- PmaGlobal new object: New Pma object located at the beginning of the application objects tree named #Global, where both application (PmaPrototype object) and graphic (PmgPrototype object) prototypes can be placed.
The graphic prototypes no longer need to be located only in a single panel, but a single prototype can be used in multiple panel simultaneously.
In this version, the global graphic prototype can only be edited as instance in a panel, but in the following versions there will be a simpler way of editing the global prototype directly.
- PmArray.Sort method: New method for array sorting.
- PmaRoot.AddEventTimer method: New method for running JavaScript function with time delay or repeat period in scripts of Pma objects.

Version 9.0.8 (from 13.12.2019) - developmental version

- PmManager:
- In both the Applications and PROMOTIC versions tabs, the layout of control elements was modified and a toolbar was added. The toolbar now contains individual buttons for launching the development environment and the runtime environment.
- On the "Tools and settings" tab it is now possible to choose whether doubleclicking on PRA file launches the PmManager program, Development environment PROMOTIC or Runtime PROMOTIC.
- PmDdAdmin - administration of SQL databases: Bugfix for SQL Server 2017 - sometimes it was not possible to create or delete a database.
- New preconfigurations:
- Preconfiguration Meter

Version 9.0.7 (from 31.10.2019) - developmental version

- $.expr macro expression: The pVar variable can be used in the expression (object of the PmVar type).
- The "Group" tab of the PmaAlarmGroup object: New configurators State viewer and History viewer for entering the path to state and history viewer.
- The "Group" tab of the PmaEventGroup object: New "History viewer" configurator for entering the path to history viewer.

Version 9.0.6 (from 9.10.2019) - developmental version

- The "Group" tab of the PmaAlarmGroup object: New configurators Enable alarm storage at short application shutdown and Maximum time of application shutdown [s] for setup of active alarm saving while the application is temporarily shut down.
- PmgRoot.AddEventTimer method: New method for running JavaScript function with time delay or repeat period in the panel (in the graphics of the PmaPanel object).
- New preconfigurations:
- Preconfiguration Panel with the table of the PmfTable type

Version 9.0.5 (from 19.9.2019) - developmental version

- PmBuffer object:
- LoadFromFile and SaveToFile new methods: These methods allow to read/write from/into a binary file. These methods replace methods Pm.FileBinaryRead and Pm.FileBinaryWrite that are not functional in the JavaScript language and therefore considered obsolete.
- GetBit and SetBit new methods: Methods allow bit access into a data block.
- Pm.GetSystemInfo method: New options:
- "app.lastuseracttime" returns the time of last user activity. Allows e.g. to disconnect the user after defined time period of inactivity. See Example3.
- "tz.bias.standard" returns the time shift (bias) between UTC and local standard time.
- "tz.bias.daylight" returns the time shift (bias) between UTC and local daylight saving time.
- Pm object: InfoLogReg and InfoLogAdd new methods: Methods allow registering a new item into the INFO system and then adding new entries into item. This is generalization of the Pm.Debug method for user defined logging.

Version 9.0.4 (from 25.7.2019) - developmental version

- PmBuffer new object: New object that holds multiple values in a single memory block in binary form. This block can then be saved in the form of the HexaString type (e.g. for drivers PmChar or PmCharServer).
- PmForm object: New subobject PmfTable which can be used to assign a table of values into the form.
- PmArray object: New methods Insert and Remove for adding or removing items in the array.
- Bugfix in communication drivers. In version Pm9.0.3, the core of all communication drivers was upgraded (in order to add the new PmCharServer driver) and therefore some other drivers also had to be modified.

Version 9.0.3 (from 1.7.2019) - developmental version

- PostgreSQL database: This data base is now supported in the PROMOTIC system. It can be used (the same way as other supported databases) in objects PmaAdo, PmaTrendGroup, PmaAlarmGroup and PmaEventGroup.
- PmaPanel object: Panel compilation was removed. All modifications of the graphics content are saved automatically when the complete PmaPanel object is saved.
- PmCharServer communication driver: New driver of the Ethernet-Server type. The PROMOTIC application can act as server offering defined data (text or bináry) to other clients.
- MQTT communication protocol: New preconfiguration for the PmChar communication driver.
The client can be of Subscriber or Publisher type (i.e. the preconfiguration can do both reading and writing).
For now, the communication does not support encryption.
- PmLicServer licence server: Renamed and modified licence server.
In previous versions, the licence server name was PmNetKey.exe and was available as independent program for installation.
Now it is named PmLicServer.exe and is included in the installation of each corresponding PROMOTIC version (it is possible to choose only the installation of PmLicServer in the install options).

Version 9.0.2 (from 8.3.2019) - developmental version

- Runtime PROMOTIC: The PROMOTIC system now supports also 64-bit versions of both runtime and development environment.
- Users and permissions: New logging-in by name and password of Windows users, so the user management is then provided by Windows resources.
Logged-in user is then a member of user groups based on his membership in corresponding Windows groups of users.
- PmChar communication driver: Fixed bug: After closing the port the message of the Slave type was not completed correctly.
- PmaCommGroup.onDataReceive event: New property pEvent.Attr that can be used to detect whether the message that triggered this event was the first or the last.
- The "Text" tab of the PmgString object: Fixed bug: The "Alignment horizontal" configurator with the "Right" value did not work correctly in local panel.
- Pm.RestartGui method: New method. Executes restart of the application graphic interface.
- The configurators of the alarm item: Change of values in the "Priority" configurator from three possible values 0,5,10 to a range of values 0-10.

Version 9.0.1 (from 18.12.2018) - developmental version

- Script editor: The key "tab" no longer adds two spaces but inserts "tab" character into the text that is 2 spaces long.
- Editor of Pmg objects:
- The "Subobjects" tab has been removed. Adding, deleting and editing of the Pma object is now done in the Pmg object tree (the same way as in the Pma object tree).
- in the Pmg object tree, there is a new item #Prototypes that contains all PmgPrototype objects in the panel. Managing prototypes (adding, deleting, editing) can now be done easily in this new item. It is no longer needed to do it in the PmgInstance object.
- PmaAlarmGroup/PmaEventGroup object: the GetHistoryData method was unable to go through multiple backups (if the number of records was not set "records:xx;"). The patch has also been included into the version Pm8.3.29.
- PmABradleyDF1 communication driver: Generalization for "L - Long" type data area.
- PmgRadioButton object: Fixed bug: Even if the object had control disabled (in the "Control enabled" configurator), then in Web panels it was still possible to change the value by clicking the mouse.

Version 9.0.0 (from 16.10.2018) - developmental version

- Many major changes that are all described in Transition from older versions to PROMOTIC 9.
- Web panels: Since version Pm9.0.0 all Web panels in PROMOTIC are designed only for Web browsers supporting standard HTML5 technology. It means for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari etc. The InternetExplorer is supported only since version 11.
- The "Panel" tab of the PmgRoot object:
- New "Background color of the panel" configurator. Replaces the BackgroundColor variable of the PmgRoot object. The variable is removed from the list of variables after the conversion.
- New "Focus frame color" configurator. Replaces the FocusColor variable of the PmgRoot object. The variable is removed from the list of variables after the conversion.
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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