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Preconfigurations in group "Panels (PmaPanel)"

This preconfiguration list is opened when creating a new object (e.g. by "New object ..." in the context menu of the object or by pressing the Insert key after selecting the object).

The preconfigurations in this group create object(s), with some desired functionality. The object creation can be performed in the PmaFolder, PmaRoot objects, and only some in the PmaPanel object. After selecting the preconfiguration a new object is created (usually PmaFolder or PmaPanel), where another subobjects can be created, all configured in order to provide the desired functionality.
Creating the object via the preconfiguration is therefore much easier then creating object from the group Basic, where the objects created are "empty" and it is necessary to configure them properly.
Preconfiguration list:
- PmaPanel - User graphics: Creates object of the PmaPanel type.
- Common inputbox: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Date and time inputbox: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Color inputbox: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Keyboard: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Toolbar: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Trends and graphs: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Viewers of alarms and events: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Viewers and tables: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
- Others examples: Creates a single special purpose object or an object group
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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