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Preconfigurations in group "Basic"

This preconfiguration list is opened when creating a new object (e.g. by "New object ..." in the context menu of the object or by pressing the Insert key after selecting the object).

Creates Pma object with default setting.
Preconfiguration list:
- PmaFolder - Folder: Creates object of the PmaFolder type.
- PmaData - Data: Creates object of the PmaData type.
- PmaDataTable - Data source: The PmaDataTable object with DTI working interface methods.
- PmaPanel - User graphics: Creates object of the PmaPanel type.
- PmaReport - Report: Creates object of the PmaReport type.
- PmaTimer - Timer: Creates object of the PmaTimer type.
- PmaSequencer - Sequence processing: Creates object of the PmaSequencer type.
- PmaAlarmGroup - alarm group: Creates the PmaAlarmGroup object with a preset group Alarms
- PmaEventGroup - event group: Creates the PmaEventGroup object with a preset group Events
- PmaAdo - ADO database: Creates PmaAdo object.
- PmaPrototype - Prototype: Creates object of the PmaPrototype type.
- PmaInstance - Instance: Creates object of the PmaInstance type.
- PmaComm - Communication: Creates the PmaComm object or a more complex preconfiguration of more objects.
- PmaOpcDaClient - OPC client: Creates object of the PmaOpcDaClient type.
- PmaWeb - Web server: Creates object of the PmaWeb type.
- PmaActiveX - ActiveX: Creates object of the PmaActiveX type.
- PmaDll - Dll: Creates object of the PmaDll type.
- PmaWorkspace - Workspace: Creates the workspace (PmaWorkspace object) without any additional windows and settings.

The following objects are obsolete:
- PmaKey - Key: Creates object of the PmaKey type.
- PmaNumber - Number: Creates object of the PmaNumber type.
- PmaString - Text string: Creates object of the PmaString type.

Objects that support creation of some subobject types:
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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