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Manager of application scripts

This window can be used for viewing, editing, searching and testing of scripts in the whole PROMOTIC application or of the selected Pma object or Pmg object.
This configuration window can be opened:
- in the script editor (i.e. on the pages Events, Methods, etc.). Right mouseclick opens the context menu where the "Manager of application scripts" item can be selected in order to open this window (/Basic control of script editor/Manager of application scripts).
- or the <Ctrl+L, Ctrl+M> shortcut can be used.

Configuration tabs:
Application scriptsViewing and editing scripts of any Pma object or Pmg object in the PROMOTIC application
Object scriptsViewing and editing scripts of the selected Pma object or Pmg object
Script testingSyntax testing of scripts of the selected Pma object or Pmg object
Searching in scriptsSearching in scripts of the selected Pma object or Pmg object
Object script conversionScript conversion of the selected Pma object from VBScript language into JavaScript language
Script text conversionScript conversion from VBScript language to JavaScript language

Pm8.03.24: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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