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Menu of tabs of the application

This menu is opened after pressing the right mouse button over the selected tab of the application in the window title bar of the development environment.

- Moving the tab into a new window can also be done as follows:
- over the selected tab, press the left mouse button
- then drag vertically to detach the tab from the existing window
- after reaching the desired position of the new window release the left mouse button
- Moving the tab into another window can also be done as follows:
- over the selected tab, press the left mouse button
- drag vertically to detach the tab from the existing window
- then move the tab to the header area of the selected window
- after reaching the desired position of the tab release the left mouse button
- Moving the tab to another position can also be done as follows:
- over the selected tab, press the left mouse button
- then drag horizontally to move the tab to the desired position
- release the left mouse button
Menu items:
- New tab: Opens new tab to the right of the selected tab.

- Move the tab to the new window: Moves the selected tab from the existing window to the new window of the development environment.
- Move the tab to window: Moves the selected tab from the existing window to the selected main or secondary window of the development environment.
- Move the tab to the beginning: Moves the selected tab to the first position.
- Move the tab to the end: Moves the selected tab to the last position.
- Move the tab to the right: Moves the selected tab by one position to the right.
- Move the tab to the left: Moves the selected tab by one position to the left.

- Close the tab: Closes the selected tab.
- Close tabs to the right: Closes all tabs to the right of the selected tab.
- Close tabs to the left: Closes all tabs to the left of the selected tab.
- Close other tabs: Closes all tabs except the selected of the tab.

- Save object: Saves the Pma object in the selected tab.

Pm9.00.25: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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