PrivateData - property of the PmAction object
Object containing designer defined properties.
Object PrivateData
Property access for
read only.
The property is object of the
PmMap type.
The property itself cannot be changed (another object cannot be set) but the properties of this object can be changed.
This property is also functional in
Web panels.
When calling the action (by the
Call method or by the system) the
PmMap object in this action is passed as second
oPrivate parameter of designer method.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
oAction.PrivateData.MyValue = 3.14;
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
oAction.PrivateData.mapSetValueAt("MyValue", 3.14);
oAction.PrivateData.mapSetValueAt "MyValue", 3.14