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CreatePmAction - method of the Pm object

Creates object of the PmAction type.
Object CreatePmAction(Long nType, Object Par1, String Par2)
nType(Long) Created action type.
There is just a single type so far.
1 - An action is created that represents the calling the designer method of the Pma object or Pmg object (i.e. methods defined on the "Methods" tab).
Therefore it is necessary to create the designer method with defined name (this name is set into the Par1 parameter) in some object (such object is then set into the Par2 parameter) The method has two parameters:
oSystem - Object of the PmMap type. Properties of this object are set by system based on the source of calling. See The usage of the PmAction object.
oPrivate - Object of the PmMap type. Properties of this object are set by the designer in the PmAction.PrivateData object.
Par1(Object) Object (i.e. Pma object or Pmg object) containing the designer method.
Par2(String) Name of designer method.
This method is functional also in Macro expression $.expr and in the onDraw event of the PmgCanvas object.
This method is also functional in Web panels.

The PmAction object is handy if it is needed that "someone" creates this object (i.e. creates "action"), then passes this object forward and then "someone else sometime" executes such action. DThe important point is that "someone else" only calls the Call method and does not need to know what is actually inside (e.g. does not know that designer method is called over some object using some parameters).

See The example of creation and usage of the PmAction object.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var oAction = Pm.CreatePmAction(1, pMe, "MyMeth1");

Pm8.03.06: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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