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Remove - method of the PmArray object

Removes one or more items/rows from the array. The array is reduced by the removed items/rows.
Empty Remove(Long nPos, [Long nCount])
nPos(Long) The index of removed item/row.
The -2 value represents the last item.
nCount[optional] (Long) The number of items/rows to be removed.
If not set, then is 1.
The items/rows are being removed from defined position towards the end of the array.
If the last position of the array is set (-2) then the items/rows are being removed from the end of the array towards the beginning.
Either all selected items are removed successfully or the method fails.
For 2-dimensional arrays, it is necessary to follow the principle of correct order of array dimensions (columns, rows) see (Col,Row) - 2-dimensional array meaning an array of rows.

This method is also functional in Web panels.
Removes 2 items from the array.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var aVal = Pm.CreatePmArray().Array1(0, 10, 20, 30, 40);
aVal.Remove(2, 2);   // Result: (0, 10, 40)
// or
aVal.Remove(-2, 2);   // Result: (0, 10, 20)
Removes empty items from the array.
JavaScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

var aVal = Pm.CreatePmArray();
var n = 100;
aVal.SetItem("Test1", 0);
aVal.SetItem("Test2", 1);
aVal.Remove(2, n - 2);

Pm9.00.29: Added support for deleting rows in 2-dimensional array.
Pm9.00.04: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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