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Object ExtDdeServer

An extension of the PmVar variable of the PmaData object for connection to DDE communication. The variable is the server and other applications (DDE client) can connect to it.
Properties and methods:
ExtIdData extension identifier
VarReturns the PmVar object
Configuration windows:
ExtDdeServerData extension configuration
This data extension is functional only if the global configurators PmaRoot > DDE > DDE enabled and PmaRoot > DDE > DDE client groups are set properly.

Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string:
The content of complete of data extension (all configurators) can be saved in the form of single text string. See Format of saving the data extension in the form of a text string.
- Id: see the "Data extension identifier" configurator
- DdeItem: see the "DDE item" configurator
See also:
- ExtDdeClient (object)

Pm8.03.00: Created
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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