TrendId - property of the ExtTrend object
Trend identifier and variable (column) name in the trend database table.
Property access for
read only.
The value of this property is defined in the "
Trend identifier" configurator of this object.
Examples for obtaining this property in the script.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
sId = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature/#ext/trend").TrendId;
// or
sId = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature").Extension("trend").TrendId;
// or
sId = pMe.Pm("/data").Item("Temperature").Extension("trend").TrendId;
sId = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature/#ext/trend").TrendId
' or
sId = pMe.Pm("/data/#vars/Temperature").Extension("trend").TrendId
' or
sId = pMe.Pm("/data").Item("Temperature").Extension("trend").TrendId
The example for obtaining this property by
Macro expression from another data extension via
pVar variable.