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Opening the viewer of the PmaReport object

The viewer of this object is opened by by the Pm.CreateView method, where in the sViewPath parameter the path to this object is entered.
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var oCreator = Pm.CreateView(oFrom, sViewPath, sViewPars, sFramePars);
Parameters of the Pm.CreateView method:
oFrom(Object) The object, which will mediate the opening of the viewer.
The object specifies the origin of the path, the relative position of the window, the parent, etc.
- The null value means the usage of:
- the PmaPanel object if CreateView method is called in the script of the Pmg object.
- active PmaWorkspace, if CreateView method is called in the script of the Pma object.
- If the the PmgFrame object is entered here (in the script of the Pmg object), then the viewer opens in this frame.
- If the the PmaPanel object is entered here (in the script of the Pma object), then the viewer opens in this selected object.

See the PmViewCreator.From property.
sViewPath(String) Path (relative or absolute) to the object or component whose viewer will be opened.
See the PmViewCreator.ViewPath property.
sViewPars(String) Viewer parameters (they differ for various viewer types).
See the PmViewCreator.View property.
Entries are in the KeyVal format. For example "pars:{boil:1;branch:A;}".

Properties and events in the PmViewCreator.View object:
pars[optional] (PmMap) The keywords of the PmaReport object represent the report parameters and are all stored as pars on the embedded level. Either in embedded PmMap or in embedded KeyVal, depending on how the parameters of the viewer are used.
sFramePars(String) Parameters for the frame where the viewer will be displayed.
See the PmViewCreator.Frame property.
Entries are in the KeyVal format, for example "target:_blank;".
The viewer parameters are in the form of the PmMap object that is filled from value of the sViewPars parameter (of the KeyVal type) in the Pm.CreateView method.
By filling from the KeyVal value all the parameters are initially stored as string. The content of the PmMap object can be then modified as needed - items can be modified, added and deleted.
The PmMap object can also contain other embedded PmMap objects (Submap). The PmMap.mapSetSubmapAt method can be used in order to create a new PmMap or make one accessible.
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var oCreator = Pm.CreateView(null, "/Report", "", "target:_blank;");

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PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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