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Execute - method of the PmaDatabase object

It is used to the execution of the SQL statement in the database defined by the Database property.
This method can be called if the PmaDatabase object was connected to the database, for example, by calling the Connect method.
Long Execute(String sSQL, Long nOptions)
sSQL(String) Statement in the SQL language syntax
nOptions(Long) Mode selection of the statement execution
0 - without alternative possibilities
64 - The SQL statement passed without the syntax correction by the PmaDatabase object. It is possible to enter only if the "Technology" configurator is set to Direct access to table - DAO. See note.
128 - on error in processing the SQL statement it returns the database to the state before calling Execute method
By this method the SQL statement that returns the set of rows (e.g. the SELECT statement), can't be executed.

If the "Technology" configurator is set to Access through ODBC (or is set to Direct access to table - DAO and the 64 constant is used by calling the method):
- then SQL statement in this method must comply with the syntax of the database to which the PmaDatabase object is connected.
- otherwise SQL statement in this method must comply with the SQL syntax used in MS DAO. See: Description of handling PmaDatabase object referencing to existing table.
See also:
Calling the procedure saved in MS SQL Server database named "proc name"
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard

oDb.Execute("EXECUTE proc_name", 64);
PROMOTIC 9.0.31 SCADA system documentation MICROSYS, spol. s r.o.

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