Source - property of the PmEventItem object
Marking source of the event item.
Property access
for read and write.
The default value of this property is defined in the "
Source" configurator of this object.
Macro expression can be used for input (
$.text ..) (it is evaluated while the window is opening). Caution:
Macro expression $vb cannot be used for input. Macro expression
$.text it can be used both for configuration in the development environment, or in the running application by writing into this property. This enables texts localization of event items. In this property and on the disk in event history the corresponding macro expression is saved (not the macro expression result). It is then possible in the application to switch the language while viewing the event history and the event item text will be displayed in selected language.
JavaScriptVBScriptSelect and copy to clipboard
var oEv = pMe.Pm("/Event");
var oEvItem = oEv.Item("Temperature");
var sSource = oEvItem.Source;
Dim oEv
Set oEv = pMe.Pm("/Event")
Dim oEvItem
Set oEvItem = oEv.Item("Temperature")
Dim sSource
sSource = oEvItem.Source